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Thread: Project 52: Week 41, Back to birds

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52: Week 41, Back to birds

    The last few days of our time in the Uists, with a drive from the south to the north and a chance to put the not entirely familiar 24-85mm and landscapes (or seascapes) away and take the very familiar 300 + TC out in search of birds.

    For many reasons the birding side of the trip did not work out as I had hoped before we set off, but here are a few:

    1: Lapwings.

    These were all over the place from south to north. I have already posted the first since I was not sure what it was, not having previously seen one in flight viewed from above:

    Project 52:  Week 41, Back to birds

    A more conventional shot:

    Project 52:  Week 41, Back to birds

    2: Kestrels

    These were quite plentiful but that doesn't mean they were easy to catch! They had an annoying habit of appearing from nowhere and disappearing to nowhere before I could frame and click.

    Project 52:  Week 41, Back to birds

    3: Unknown but I like it!

    This was in the sky at the same spot as the above. I did not manage to ID it from the RSPB chart but wonder if it is a Skua:

    Project 52:  Week 41, Back to birds

    4: Curlews

    This made my day. These were very common around my grandparent's cottage in the south Ayrshire countryside, but that was more than 50 years ago. The curlew (or whaup as we called it then) is now on the RSPB red list and it was a treat to see them again and manage a decent shot:

    Project 52:  Week 41, Back to birds

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 41, Back to birds

    Nice series.

  3. #3

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    Re: Project 52: Week 41, Back to birds

    Nice set, Bill. That Kestrel seems to be gliding so effortlessly.

  4. #4
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52: Week 41, Back to birds

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    3: Unknown but I like it!
    Apparently it's a young Herring Gull

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