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Thread: Astro Photography - first attempts

  1. #1

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    Astro Photography - first attempts

    I made an attempt at Astrophotography, please go easy on me ;-). I am uploading the original file and the edited file, if you guys think you can help me with the editing please make a pass at it. Let me know what your thoughts are on these photos. What can I do better? I know the framing isnt the best, we were drinking at the campfire so yeah.

    Astro 1 org
    Astro Photography - first attempts

    Astro 1 edit
    Astro Photography - first attempts

    Astro 2 org
    Astro Photography - first attempts

    Astro 2 edit
    Astro Photography - first attempts

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Astro Photography - first attempts

    I have no knowledge of astro-photography, but that being said, editing is editing and it seems to me that you have done an excellent job. Showing us the un-edited file followed by the edit version is an excellent way showing us what you did.

    On Astro 2, it might have been useful to put a mask over the lower part of the image to hold the lights back to what they are in the unedited version. And, as opposed to Astro 1 in which everything appears very sharp, there does appear to be some movement in Astro2 so that the stars are not so sharp.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Astro Photography - first attempts

    Nice efforts, the important thing is how do they look to you, are you satisfied with your efforts, is their anything you'd like to correct?

  4. #4
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Astro Photography - first attempts

    For a first attempt you have done well and a good job capturing the Milky Way.

    Exposure time of 15 sec, ISO4000 on No 1 I suspect is near the limit you can go at 18mm but it would be worth trying slightly longer with a lower ISO. The limiting factor will be avoiding star trails.

    For No 2 the Exif says 5 sec, ISO4000 that's too short. If you were limited by the foreground lights it could have been an opportunity to take two exposures and merge them.

  5. #5

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    Re: Astro Photography - first attempts

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice efforts, the important thing is how do they look to you, are you satisfied with your efforts, is there anything you'd like to correct?
    I think I would like to learn how to add a mask as Donald mentioned, I am not too sure I can do that in Lightroom (I only have Lightroom).

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    For a first attempt you have done well and a good job capturing the Milky Way.

    The exposure time of 15 sec, ISO4000 on No 1 I suspect is near the limit you can go at 18mm but it would be worth trying slightly longer with a lower ISO. The limiting factor will be avoiding star trails.

    For No 2 the Exif says 5 sec, ISO4000 that's too short. If you were limited by the foreground lights it could have been an opportunity to take two exposures and merge them.

    I will print out your suggestions and keep them in my camera bag for the next camping trip.

    I have not tried to merge multiple photos in post just yet. Does Lightroom do that?

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Astro Photography - first attempts

    Quote Originally Posted by Tri Danimal View Post
    I think I would like to learn how to add a mask as Donald mentioned, I am not too sure I can do that in Lightroom (I only have Lightroom).

    I will print out your suggestions and keep them in my camera bag for the next camping trip.

    I have not tried to merge multiple photos in post just yet. Does Lightroom do that?
    No these are not things that can be done in Lightroom. This requires a pixel based editor like Photoshop, Serif Affinity, GIMP, etc. All of these tools support layers and layer masks, which are needed for this type of work.

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