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Thread: Dancing Giant

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Dancing Giant

    On a recent trip to The Melbourne Zoo. I took many shots of butterflies and got no keepers. This was the best on the day. The giant was happy enough to perform for me. C&C most welcome.

    Dancing Giant

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Dancing Giant

    Ole - a shot like this is extremely challenging to pull off. In general, truncated body parts do not result in compelling images that people will want to look at, but they can work if they are well constructed and the viewer's attention is brought to bear on the body part.

    What is working against you here is the bright background. The human visual system is keyed to notice bright areas or areas of high contrast. With the very bright areas at the top left, top right and bottom left part of the shot, our eyes go there and right out of the frame. The moment that happens, you've lost the viewer....

  3. #3

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    Re: Dancing Giant

    I agree with Manfred, Ole. Putting aside the problems with the bright areas, how did you convert this? It looks more like gray-scale than black and white. I think you could bring out a lot more texture in the skin with a bolder treatment.

  4. #4

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    Re: Dancing Giant

    Quote Originally Posted by FootLoose View Post
    I agree with Manfred, Ole. Putting aside the problems with the bright areas, how did you convert this? It looks more like gray-scale than black and white. I think you could bring out a lot more texture in the skin with a bolder treatment.
    Greg, I only increased the texture in the upper parts of the legs, the lower parts I simply darkend a tad.

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