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Thread: Learning Curve Celstron Infiniview

  1. #1

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    Learning Curve Celstron Infiniview

    Learning Curve Celstron Infiniview

    First impressions: The microscope is a lot smaller than the advertising would make you believe. The lens has a small hard focus area and gets soft very quickly as you move out to the edges. I'm not sure if it is my technique or the equipment or indeed a combo of both but the IQ is definitely not what I've grown accustomed to. All that being said... for $129 US it is a fine learning tool.

    In the last century I was a Lighthouse keeper. When the tide was exceptionally low I would head to the back of the island, wade into the water up to my chest and collect fresh abalone to feast on. I never dreamt that 40 years later I’d be taking extreme macro / microscopy shots of abalone shells.

    For the record even my studio shots are shot in our garden/temple somewhere in the Philippines.

    Celestron InfiniView Digital Microscope ~ ISO 99 ~ Shutter Speed 1/11s ~ F/2.8 ~ Program AE

  2. #2
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Learning Curve Celstron Infiniview

    A very interesting journey you are on here Brian - look forward to more instalments to see what the Celestron can do .

  3. #3

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    Re: Learning Curve Celstron Infiniview

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    A very interesting journey you are on here Brian - look forward to more instalments to see what the Celestron can do .
    Once I figure out how to do a live view hook-up the focus might improve

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