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Thread: Batch Resize Photos

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Batch Resize Photos

    I shot a large number of photos at our Halloween Party at my daughter's house last night.

    As I was leaving, she said that she had promised the photos to her employees and to the guru who handles her company website; so she needed the images first thing this morning.

    Well, we got home late and I didn't want to work on the images. Today is trash day (last night being Halloween - it was not a good idea to put our trash cans out) and this morning I had to deliver two dogs to a foster about fifty miles north, so I didn't have much time to resize the images.

    I went to my YouTube friend at piximperfect who showed me an easy way to convert multiple RAW images to email size JPEGS in one fell swoop. Luckily, I was shooting with a zoom lens so the images were cropped quite well and the little A6500 gets great exposures. I didn't do any PP on the images...

    Here is what I learned:

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Resize Photos

    She sounds like hard taskmaster (taskmistress?) your daughter

    Thanks for the heads up on that tip.

    I Use Silkypix Developer Studio Pro as my Raw converter, and in that I can crop and apply the development settings I want to a bunch of RAW images, then batch process them all in one go (per format: landscape/portrait/square) at whatever pixel dimensions I choose.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Resize Photos

    The Image Processor under the Scripts menu item have been around for many versions of Photoshop. I've used it to resize and change the colour profile of images I have edited at full size and in a wide-gamut colour space for posting to the internet for as long as I can remember.

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