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Thread: The Fan

  1. #1

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    The Fan

    I've been experimenting with mixing processed backgrounds and non processed subjects as an alternative for instance to using differential focus or say de saturation to produce some separation. The first attempt was "The Wine Bar" Here. Not surprisingly, it works for some and not others. This is another. I would welcome thoughts.

    The Fan

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The Fan

    Not really sure of your concept but I think it would've worked better if shot from a lower angle and had the bystander sort of hovering above the screen to make it look like he was actually on the field sideline. Nicely exposed.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: The Fan

    I have similar thoughts to John on this one.

    The viewer's eyes are definitely drawn into the bright screen and right past the man standing there and watching. I'm not convinced that this image works all that well.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: The Fan

    Looks better for me in the Lightbox view. Maybe a slight crop? Probably lose the top right corner windows and maybe a bit from bottom and left side? I like those windows but find them to be a distraction.

  5. #5

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    Re: The Fan

    This is an interesting idea John and certainly worked very well with the Wine Bar. I can see why you chose this scene to experiment with and it has centred attention on the big screen but I don't think it works as well as the previous example. That may be because the Wine Bar was an interior shot (dark) and this is outside in bright sunlight so the foreground simply looks un(der)processed. The Wine Bar also had a clear separation of background and foreground objects but in this they overlap and the background behind the fan is quite busy. It seems cleaner, simpler compositions might respond better to this treatment.

  6. #6

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    Re: The Fan

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I wasn't sure about this one hence asking for comments. I've realised my own doubts result from the fact that the individual stood there is almost lost in the BG despite my having processed it. That leaves the screen drawing the eye instead of the Fan (Manfred's point).

    John, your idea would have sorted that but getting in close enough would have needed more courage than I fear I could have called on at the time.

    Can't disagree Geoff. The processing doesn't solve that problem.

    Greg, I'm beginning to realise that the technique needs a subject that will stand out more obviously to emphasise the difference in treatments.

    I shall continue to experiment.
    Last edited by John 2; 18th November 2018 at 10:25 PM.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: The Fan

    IMO a pretty severe crop might be the ticket for this image. Anyway, here is the way I would present it if it were mine...

    The Fan

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