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Thread: Iq180

  1. #1
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Is there ever such a thing as too much camera, either in cost, capacity, or, consumer personal needs? I believe this camera has been discussed on this forum before, I just happen to see a capture at full res and while it does produce a dynamic image onscreen and a print holds up well, I've seen and created equal output with a camera having 1/3 sensor size (24mpix) size. One reviewer of the camera said that the output of this camera would make Instagram users envious.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Iq180

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Is there ever such a thing as too much camera, either in cost, capacity, or, consumer personal needs? I believe this camera has been discussed on this forum before, I just happen to see a capture at full res and while it does produce a dynamic image onscreen and a print holds up well, I've seen and created equal output with a camera having 1/3 sensor size (24mpix) size. One reviewer of the camera said that the output of this camera would make Instagram users envious.
    If you are posting on the web or making small prints, then I would agree. If you are make large prints, this camera (and a few others) really do stand out that a full frame DSLR cannot touch.

    Just as an aside. This review is over 7 years old - October 2011. Phase One has announced significant improvements since that time.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 20th November 2018 at 05:38 PM.

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