Well if tentacles are Freudian, oh yes know I see it. Nice seen and captured.
Works fine with me. Some potentially tricky exposure problems have been avoided.
Maybe I would clone out what looks like a strand of spider web; simply because it has developed a blue tint.
I was never a big fan of Freudian psychology. I always felt that Freud was more of a philosopher than a scientist. I was always a fan of Glasser's Reality Therapy. However, when I was working towards my Master's Degree in Counseling, I found that I had a natural ability to work with Gestalt based Therapy. Not really having much confidence in Gestalt and not quite having the personality and ability to work in Reality Therapy, I did not elect for a career as a therapist.
I still remember the game we played in psych courses - picking three disorders off three separate lists and creating a new disorder. And sometimes it actually sounded real.
Freudian theory was so acceptable then because it could be used to supposedly explain and control an individual's behavior, that is once the so called behaviors were documented and the explanations for that behavior considered undesirable, yell at your father and you inwardly want to do away with him and well you know the rest. Some would say that it was all just an updated version of the 10 commandments.
Brian - The Gimp has color management facilities and Capture one must also manage colors if it processes RAW files. There should not be any color shift going from one to the other if they are set up properly. Your best bet is probably to set everything up to work in the sRGB color space.