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Thread: Autumn

  1. #1
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    I have created this image to try to capture a mood and tell a story. It think that it has more depth than any other picture that I have taken so far and that it invites quiet contemplation rather than more immediate gratification. I intend to print it fairly large on textured mat paper such as Hahnemuhle Museum Etching.
    As this is very different from my usual photography, I would greatly appreciate your comments and critiques particularly on whether or not I met my objectives.



  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Autumn

    This is definitely not your normal style, but I definitely like it.

    When I look at this as a print, I find it a bit washed out. I'd...

    1. Try to take the hot spots in the sky down just a touch so that they print with a bit of pigment rather than come out pure white.

    2. I'd boost the micro-contrast (clarity) a bit to give the foliage a bit more of an edge.

    3. I'd drop down the mid-point a bit to add a bit more colour to the leaves; and

    4. I'd open up the dark areas; the tree trunks, rocks, etc. so that they show a bit more texture.

    5. I'd do something to that tiny bit of dark tree along the left edge as it is a touch distracting.


    It's all really subtle stuff but will make a big difference in a final print.

    If you open up an image in Lightbox and toggle the forward and backward arrows, the differences are easy to see.

  3. #3

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    Re: Autumn

    The photo certainly does invite restful contemplation and a large print would be lovely on the wall. Manfred's suggested subtle tweaks combine to make the image even more satisfying.

    I like the composition and limited colour palette.

  4. #4

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    Re: Autumn

    As well as Manfred's comments, I would try another option with the right side tree removed. At the moment it seems to dominate the scene without adding anything useful. Without it the whole impression seems to be of a 'lighter and more airy' feeling. I can even accept that tangle in the bottom left corner without the tree being present.

  5. #5
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Autumn

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    This is definitely not your normal style, but I definitely like it.
    Thanks Manfred. I was starting to feel in a bit of a rut so am trying to add some depth to my pictures.

    When I look at this as a print, I find it a bit washed out. I'd...
    My original looked too dark and mostly too saturated. I may have over compensated. I will re-evaluate my pp.

  6. #6
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Autumn

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    The photo certainly does invite restful contemplation and a large print would be lovely on the wall. Manfred's suggested subtle tweaks combine to make the image even more satisfying.

    I like the composition and limited colour palette.
    Thank you David.
    The limited colour palette contributes significantly to the mood that I was trying to create.

  7. #7
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Autumn

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    As well as Manfred's comments, I would try another option with the right side tree removed. At the moment it seems to dominate the scene without adding anything useful. Without it the whole impression seems to be of a 'lighter and more airy' feeling. I can even accept that tangle in the bottom left corner without the tree being present.
    Thank you Geoff. I have looked at your suggestion and prefer the composition with the tree. To me it, and the tangle on the left, provide a sort of framing for the picture which gives it more of a sense of place.

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