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Thread: Christmas Tripod

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Christmas Tripod

    UK members only.
    I visited my local Wex shop this week and found they are selling off Calumet branded stock at rather good prices. Calumet shops used to get own brand items from Vitec group - Manfrotto, Gitso etc. So if looking for a new tripod it would be worth looking at the web site.

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Christmas Tripod

    I have an excellent Calumet Branded carbon fiber monopod. It is extremely sturdy but, a bit overkill for my small Sony A6500. I wanted a smaller and lighter monopod and selected the Amazon Basics carbon fiber pod.

    However, just about all the Calumet branded items I have purchased are great. The CPL filter under their brand was made by Schneider like the B+W filters...

    If the Calumet store was still in business near me, I would probably have selected a lighter weight Calumet Pod because of the excellence of my larger Calumet item...

    The Amazon turned out to be quite a decent monopod...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 14th December 2018 at 06:59 PM.

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