I agree, every single one is wonderful. I would in particular like to know how he gets a clean cut sharp sun in shot; I tried my first sunset the other day, I've done lots of sunrises but here I was a bit surprised how quick it was going.
Doing HDR of very fast multi shoot, 2 ev apart, the darkest frame was blown and 4 stops brighter still too dark, what is the longest safe exposure and how do you avoid flare?
Being selfish again, sorry. Just that I will have another go after 5th December if it isn't snowing.
I loved your web site galleries and your tutorials, Alex. Beautiful landscapes and post processed modestly - not overdone. I will definitely re-visit it for inspiration. I can't offer any constructive comments on the snowscape due to lack of experience in this environment as the last time it snowed around here was ... let me think..actually, when was the last ice age?