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Thread: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

  1. #141

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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    You are certainly attempting some tricky subjects this year, Sandy. Exposure, which was a potential problem, has worked OK. But, for me, those prominent seriously out of focus berries on the left side have to go.

    A crop to lose that distraction makes a stronger scene to my way of viewing. You could possibly also lose a bit from the top if you wanted to retain the current size ratio.

    So often, I have been in a similar situation where I have taken great care to get everything sharply focused then when viewed at full size on my computer I suddenly realised I had missed something obvious, even when doing focus stacking.

  2. #142

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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    "Bird Food" has a good strong colour making it stand out well from the background of snow and branches; and the edited version has crisped up the frost on the red berries/hips making for an interesting subject.

    I agree with the way you have cropped the image.

    A twig now comes up diagonally from the bottom right corner as though "suspended" without its mother branch so I might consider cloning it away. It is not a clear cut decision as maybe the twig acts to frame the subject and contributes to the lines in the image which are in a generally diagonal direction.

    I find this type of shot is not easy to compose, mainly because of the depth of field decision - do you want all the Bird Food in focus, and if not, how to compose the shot so that the the out of focus areas compliment or lead the eye to the main focal point. I think you have made a good attempt at that.

  3. #143
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    You are certainly attempting some tricky subjects this year, Sandy. Exposure, which was a potential problem, has worked OK. But, for me, those prominent seriously out of focus berries on the left side have to go.
    Sandy, the picture is attractive and works in many respects but, like Geoff, I found the prominent out of focus berries to be a distraction.

  4. #144
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Quite a list, Sandy!

    Of those, I too have RawTherapee - now up to V5.5
    The GIMP, 16-bit V 2.9 by Elle Stone - a scion of color management
    Elements 6 on a disk somewhere - never use it these days.

    The GIMP ** is useful for it's color de-composition function - for example splitting into 3 layers showing hue, saturation and value (brightness). Not the easiest of User interfaces.

    RawTherapee has more of everything! Again, not easy.

    I also have FastStone Viewer which has a really good comparator - perfect for weeding out my many bad shots ...

    ** I say "the GIMP" because that is how it's commonly said, being short for:

    "the GNU Image Manipulation Program"

    Looks like V2.10 is out ... tempting!
    Hi Ted - We do tend to collect applications in our field of interest! <grin> I don't have Fast Stone Viewer now since there isn't a version for Mac computers. I've downloaded Gimp sometime ago but it was too complex for me to understand. Maybe now that I've explored editing photos a bit more, it might make sense to me. My goal is learning one or two apps well and then explore from that point. It isn't easy for me since a lot of terms used for the editing process are those I don't understand. I'm pressing on however!

    Thanks for your reply!

  5. #145
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    You are certainly attempting some tricky subjects this year, Sandy. Exposure, which was a potential problem, has worked OK. But, for me, those prominent seriously out of focus berries on the left side have to go.

    A crop to lose that distraction makes a stronger scene to my way of viewing. You could possibly also lose a bit from the top if you wanted to retain the current size ratio.

    So often, I have been in a similar situation where I have taken great care to get everything sharply focused then when viewed at full size on my computer I suddenly realised I had missed something obvious, even when doing focus stacking.
    Hi Geoff - I did dither with how to present this image and couldn't make up my mind about the left side berries. I was thinking that since the branch on the right side was also out of focus that maybe it balanced the image. But apparently it didn't work out very well. Maybe a 1x1 of the center of the image may actually be better...... (thinking......)

    I appreciate your comments and I'll definitely look this over again.

  6. #146
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Sandy, the picture is attractive and works in many respects but, like Geoff, I found the prominent out of focus berries to be a distraction.
    Hi Bruce - Yep - agree that the crop should have been made differently. Or the initial picture should have been captured with perhaps more DOF?

    Thanks for your thoughts! Learning.... is a work in progress...... <smile>

  7. #147
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    "Bird Food" has a good strong colour making it stand out well from the background of snow and branches; and the edited version has crisped up the frost on the red berries/hips making for an interesting subject.

    I agree with the way you have cropped the image.

    A twig now comes up diagonally from the bottom right corner as though "suspended" without its mother branch so I might consider cloning it away. It is not a clear cut decision as maybe the twig acts to frame the subject and contributes to the lines in the image which are in a generally diagonal direction.

    I find this type of shot is not easy to compose, mainly because of the depth of field decision - do you want all the Bird Food in focus, and if not, how to compose the shot so that the the out of focus areas compliment or lead the eye to the main focal point. I think you have made a good attempt at that.
    Hi David - I guess what I was trying to do is focus on one area of berries and show red/white texture in the image. I liked the way the frost was clinging to the fruit. What I didn't consider was the fact that the closer more prominent berries would be out of focus. Then I thought that with both sides of the image being out of focus, that it would balance out. Apparently, my attempt for composition didn't really work out very well. I need to be more thoughtful, next time round and consider the whole picture and not just the area I was interested in. Or perhaps, focus even more closely in the area I was interested in and do away with the distractions.

    I definitely do appreciate the feedback! Thank you!

  8. #148

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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    My goal is learning one or two apps well and then explore from that point. It isn't easy for me since a lot of terms used for the editing process are those I don't understand. I'm pressing on however!
    You and me both! In my case I am concentrating on Lightoom and Photoshop but, like you, I find a lot of the terminology opaque when it should be intuitive. No wonder people buy a bunch of actions or presets and just select the one they like best. But that is not for us, we have more staying power than that. Keep pressing onwards!

  9. #149
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    You and me both! In my case I am concentrating on Lightoom and Photoshop but, like you, I find a lot of the terminology opaque when it should be intuitive. No wonder people buy a bunch of actions or presets and just select the one they like best. But that is not for us, we have more staying power than that. Keep pressing onwards!
    Hi David - Thanks for the encouragement! I'm using mostly LightRoom (desktop version) and Affinity Photo. I'll delve into others when I think one might have a feature that I feel the need for. I'm considering a dedicated stacking app but haven't put cash on the line yet! <grin> I hope that you keep enjoying photography and the challenges it provides!

  10. #150
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    #139, nicely captured winter scene.

  11. #151
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    #139, nicely captured winter scene.
    Hi John,

    Thank you for looking at my efforts and commenting!
    Would you believe it is snowing again? Winter is still here.

  12. #152
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    Hi John,

    Thank you for looking at my efforts and commenting!
    Would you believe it is snowing again? Winter is still here.
    Didn't follow the groundhog forecast this year but looks like a few more weeks (months) here as well.

  13. #153
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Didn't follow the groundhog forecast this year but looks like a few more weeks (months) here as well.
    Hi John - Personally, I think the groundhog simply laughs at all of us and goes back to bed! We are still very cold, ice and some snow. Hard to believe that our golf course is supposed to open on March 1st. (HUGE sigh)

  14. #154
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Week 7 - I'm behind with my projects.... I can make any number of excuses, so I won't.

    This is simply a fun photo from a 2nd grade school activity that our grandson asked us to do. "Flat Stanley" came for a visit. Our task was compiling a few days of photo activity and commentary and then returning it to the school for his class. (Flat Stanley learns how to make a cup of instant coffee. LOL) Our grandson was pleased so I reckon our mission was accomplished successfully.

    Camera settings: ISO125 - f/4.5 - 1/125ss - flashed used.

    2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

  15. #155
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Sandy, your photo put a smile on my face. So, for my money, it's a success!

  16. #156
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Sandy, your photo put a smile on my face. So, for my money, it's a success!
    Hi Bruce - That is exactly what this photo was supposed to do! We all need smiles especially during our winter months.
    There are many ways to make a cup of coffee, but Flat Stanley learned that when I am desperate, even a cup of instant is good!

    Thanks for commenting.

  17. #157
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Nice project and capture.

  18. #158
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Thank you John. It was a fun project but I did still strive to have images that were balanced, etc. It is all practice! <grin>

  19. #159

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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    OK for a quick fun shot, Sandy; but how did you manage to get water (coffee in the cup) to settle at an angle.

  20. #160
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 1st Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    ...... but how did you manage to get water (coffee in the cup) to settle at an angle.
    Beats me! I was more interested in Flat Stanley observing my favorite drink! so perhaps it happened because I took the photo from above. Or maybe my world was tilted that morning????

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