Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Quarter 1 - Week 6
I have re-edited Images #14 and #15 having taken on board some of the comments received. I have taken the opportunity to think about the composition again and practice some editing techniques.
Image #14 Rev 01 Tree at Hatchet Pond:
I have severely cropped from the right edge to remove a lot of the less interesting bushes and have used content aware fill to provide additional sky and more headroom for the tree. I have also flipped the image so that the tree leans to the right which creates, psychologically to westerners who read from left to right, a more natural flow to the image.
I wish I had a little more foreground in the original image.
Image #15 Rev 01 Reflections at Hatchet Pond:
I have made quite a few minor changes to the framing of this image. I have retrieved some of the sky which I had cropped out, again to provide more headroom. An added benefit was the additional cloud. I also cropped some of the excess water from the foreground and some of the trees from the righthand side. The left hand side now includes a little that was previously cropped away.
I used a luminosity adjustment to brighten the trees a little in the righthand half of the image.
Image #15 Rev 02 Reflections at Hatchet Pond:
This revision is a complete change of framing that concentrates on the tree in the middle distance and includes on the left some of what had previously been cropped away. It is a completely different interpretation.
C&C always welcome.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Quarter 1 - Week 6
Nice efforts, with the first one the tree is a bit too close to the edge of the composition.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Quarter 1 - Week 6
Yes I agree that there should be little more foreground in the first one. It seems to matter even more with the revised, cropped version than in the origin landscape format.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus")
They look better to me.
With the first image, you might be able to add a little more canvas space to the bottom and clone in some more foreground. Only a little would be sufficient, although I'm not overly bothered about it being a bit on the tight side now.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 7
Week 7 and another walk in the New Forest. Including the word “Forest” makes it a bit of a misnomer these days. Dense oaks and other hardwoods of earlier centuries have given way to conifers and birches and much of the forest has only occasional trees in heathland with gorse, heather and bracken.
This week’s photos are of a single tree and a stream that winds its way through woods and heathland.
The clear blue winter sky makes it look as though I used a polarising filter, but I am not sure why that is. I did discover that over-enthusiastic use of the dehaze slider in LR can cause a similar effect, but that is not the reason here.
Week 7, Image #16 - Tree and Twisted Log
1/180 sec at f/8 and ISO 160
Week 7, Image #17 – New Forest Stream
1/90 sec at f/16 and ISO 100
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus")
Focus and exposure are good but just a couple of thoughts about possible alternatives.
With the first image, have you attempted to include two main subjects which isn't doing full justice to either of them? I would, ideally, like to see the whole tree, including that nicely blue sky, plus the log as a little bit of an additional item. Or alternatively, crop tighter to concentrate on the log plus a bit of the tree which would become just a background item to give some balance to the composition?
With the second image, would a slight crop from the left side, giving a different size ratio, produce a more concentrated and stronger scene? Not a lot of change, maybe something like a 3 x 2 ratio? I am chiefly thinking about reducing that rather plain and slightly dark bottom left corner.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus")
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
With the first image, have you attempted to include two main subjects which isn't doing full justice to either of them? I would, ideally, like to see the whole tree, including that nicely blue sky, plus the log as a little bit of an additional item. Or alternatively, crop tighter to concentrate on the log plus a bit of the tree which would become just a background item to give some balance to the composition?
I was attracted to both the tree and the log, but particularly wanted a shot of the log. As I am using my 35mm lens this quarter I also wanted a view point that did not introduce the distortion/enlargement of the closest part of the log which meant a view point that was fairly square on to the log. That did not seem an interesting composition so I included the tree and plumped for a low vantage point that placed most of the tree against the plain blue sky. I cropped the framing in camera to exclude some of the tree on the basis that had I included the whole tree the log would be a smaller, less significant part of the picture.
The log was overexposed compared to the tree which also influenced me in not cropping LR/PS to make more of the log, albeit I have already burnt it in PS.
Originally Posted by
Geoff F
With the second image, would a slight crop from the left side, giving a different size ratio, produce a more concentrated and stronger scene? Not a lot of change, maybe something like a 3 x 2 ratio? I am chiefly thinking about reducing that rather plain and slightly dark bottom left corner.
I agree that is a problematic area. I have already cropped the left and bottom edges for the very reason you identify. I resisted coming further in on the left in order to preserve the positioning of the evergreen tree in the middle distance. I think I will try lightening the banks of the stream as an alternative solution, although that will only deal with the darkness, and not the plain nature of foreground there.
Thank you very much once again for your comments, Geoff.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 7
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") - Week 8
Here is something different for Week 8. I first have to admit to not sticking with my 35mm lens this week:eek: and instead chose my 24-105 walkabout lens as I anticipated not being able to "zoom with my feet".
A Festival of Lights was held in Southampton last weekend. It culminated in a Tai Chi demonstration and a lantern procession led by a Chinese dancing dragon.
While I waited for the action to begin, I took a picture of the John Hansard Gallery building. Next to it, to the left is a mirror image building housing a theatre. These are the cornerstones of the new cultural quarter in the city.
The exponents of Tai Chi were colourfully dressed, but their normal trainers somewhat detracted from their costume.
(The dragon dance and procession followed, but I was not in a good position for that so I have not included any of those shots.)
Week 8, #18 - John Hansard Gallery Building
1/125 sec at f/4 and ISO 100
Week 8, #19 - Tai Chi
1/125 sec at F8 and ISO 3200 (the light was beginning to fade)
C&C are always welcome.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") - Week 8
Hi David - I enjoyed your Week 7 entries. I especially like the tree/log image. My only suggestion for it would have been to include the entire tree. :) Week 8 entries - Love the reflection in the glass on the building shot and that you included the little group on the lower right. The picture of the Tai Chi demonstration would have been difficult for me to capture. I struggle with action shots. You have an interesting image of them in action. :)
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") - Week 8
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") - Week 8
Originally Posted by
I enjoyed your Week 7 entries. I especially like the tree/log image. My only suggestion for it would have been to include the entire tree. :)
I was particularly interested in taking the log because of its texture and decay. As for the tree, I was hoping the brain would "fill in" the missing parts. Omitting the top of the tree was to avoid blank sky above it and omitting part of it on the lefthand side was to ensure that it didn't just look like the top had been chopped off by mistake. My thinking was that omitting parts of the tree would reduce its prominence in the picture and leave more room for the log. I over-thought the whole thing!:o
Originally Posted by
Week 8 entries - Love the reflection in the glass on the building shot and that you included the little group on the lower right. The picture of the Tai Chi demonstration would have been difficult for me to capture. I struggle with action shots. You have an interesting image of them in action. :)
The little group adds a bit of balance to the weight of the building which is not achieved by the pasers by close to it. I would have liked the group to be a little further into the picture, ideally.
Action shots are not my thing either. When people ask what I like to photograph my usual reply is "anything that doesn't move"!:D I have a shot with them facing towards me more, but I cut off a foot.:eek: I may make an attempt at surgery in Photoshop.
Thank you for commenting Sandy.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") - Week 8
Strong perspective effect in #1 but the verticals are all upright, as they should be.
Crowd scenes are never easy but this image looks OK to me.
Sometimes, if you accidentally miss out on a foot, or hand etc, the scene can be saved by cropping even closer so it looks like a deliberate composition choice. ;)
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
This is the oldest commercial property in Winchester, built in 1450. In that year Johannes Gutenberg began printing a bible with movable type in Mainz. He perfected interchangeable type that could be cast in large quantities and invented a new type of press. (The next leap forward was the wordprocessor:D)
The building was a Rectory and was owned by Henry VIII during the 1500’s when he disbanded many religious buildings during the ‘dissolution of the monasteries’. He gave the Chesil Rectory to his daughter, Queen Mary, known as Mary Tudor.
Queen Mary’s lavish wedding to King Philip of Spain in 1554 at Winchester Cathedral almost bankrupted the city so she bequeathed the Chesil Rectory to the City of Winchester as part payment for the wedding. The Winchester City Mill was also given to the city at that time.
The building has a very low door: people were not as tall then, and layers of highway have been added over the years. The front of the building is original, apart from the windows.
The 35mm lens seems to have suited the scene.
I have removed much of the street furniture from the image and done some dodging and burning. I am not sure if I am on the right lines in determining what needs to be lighter/darker and will welcome comments.
Week 9 #20 - The Chesil Rectory
1/250 sec at f/8 and ISO 100:
And here is the image prior to editing.
C&C always welcome
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
And this is the City Mill which was rebuilt in 1744. It is only a hundred yards/metres away from the Chesil Rectory.
Week 9, #21 - Winchester City Mill
1/350 sec at f/5.6 and ISO 100:
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
David, I think your editing work in the rectory photo turned out well. You managed to eliminate a plethora of modern day signs, wiring, traffic lights, etc. Ditto for your dodging and burning.
My only other comment is about what for me is a mysterious shadow showing near the corner of the building -- perhaps the shadow from the now eliminated traffic light?
I enjoyed the historical information you provided.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
+1 to Bruce's comments - edits are very good and even though I studied history in school(ages ago) there is so much that we didn't cover so I appreciate the added information! :)
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
Originally Posted by
David, I think your editing work in the rectory photo turned out well. You managed to eliminate a plethora of modern day signs, wiring, traffic lights, etc. Ditto for your dodging and burning.
My only other comment is about what for me is a mysterious shadow showing near the corner of the building -- perhaps the shadow from the now eliminated traffic light?
I enjoyed the historical information you provided.
Thank you Bruce for your kind comments. You are correct, I have not managed to eliminate all the shadow :eek: so more work is required on my part.
I also now see that some of my cloning left a lot to be desired. As I gain more experience I hope to pick these things up sooner.
I am glad you enjoyed the background information. Recently (ie 75years ago!:D) the Chesil Rectory became a restaurant and still operates as one.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
Thank you for looking, Sandy. I am glad you liked the historical background.
Re: 2019 Project 52 by David ("Rufus") Qtr 1, Week 9
The first image was certainly a difficult scene but it has worked OK, subject to that shadow which has already been mentioned.
With that City Mill photo there is a faint problem in the sky above the roof apex. Otherwise it looks good to me.