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Thread: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

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    Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    I have reset the preferences several times and shortcuts are still not working. When I open Photoshop only, all the shortcuts are operating fine. It seems that Lightroom and Photoshop do not like each other much! Any suggestions.

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    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    can you clarify? Are you saying that the shortcuts work if you open an image in PS, but they don't work in Photoshop if you send the image to photoshop from Lightroom?

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    can you clarify? Are you saying that the shortcuts work if you open an image in PS, but they don't work in Photoshop if you send the image to photoshop from Lightroom?
    Precisely Grrrrr

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    The first thing I would try is doing a cold restart of the computer; shutting it down and restarting it. I find that often solves these strange problems.

    If that does not work; try pressing <Ctrl><Alt> <Del> on Windows or <Cmd><Alt><Del> on MacOS when you start Photoshop from the desktop; i.e. hold those buttons and double click on the Photoshop icon / shortcut. That will reset most of the Photoshop settings to the factory defaults. See if that fixes the problem.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 4th January 2019 at 04:07 AM.

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    The first thing I would try is doing a cold restart of the computer; shutting it down and restarting it. I find that often solves these strange problems.

    If that does not work; try pressing <Ctrl><Alt> <Del> on Windows or <Cmd><Alt><Del> on MacOS when you start Photoshop from the desktop; i.e. hold those buttons and double click on the Photoshop icon / shortcut. That will reset most of the Photoshop settings to the factory defaults. See if that fixes the problem.
    I have done that Manfred. I shall try it again to see if it works. There is one thing though, I have not tried to hold 'those buttons' and double click on the shortcuts. I shall give that a try. I all fails I shall have a nice Talisker.

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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    I have done that Manfred. I shall try it again to see if it works. There is one thing though, I have not tried to hold 'those buttons' and double click on the shortcuts. I shall give that a try. I all fails I shall have a nice Talisker.
    There is always the Adobe support line. I have used them in the past to solve issues that I could not handle.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling Lightroom and Photoshop are also options worth trying.

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    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    I have reset the preferences several times and shortcuts are still not working. When I open Photoshop only, all the shortcuts are operating fine. It seems that Lightroom and Photoshop do not like each other much! Any suggestions.
    I am using LR Classic CC and Photoshop CC.

    One issue when working with these two programs is that if you select a raw file in LR and choose "open in Photoshop", it does not open in Camera Raw. The only way to open a raw file in Camera raw is to open it directly from Photoshop. Adobe are aware of this issue and no doubt it will be dealt with at some future update.

    I suspect your issue is another case of the two programs not quite using the same hymn sheet. It would be worth you reporting it to Adobe in case it has not been already.

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    I corrected the problem by simply uninstalling and reinstalling both programs - several times. The other odd thing about it was that the edits in PS were not working either. Thankfully that is now fixed. I would like to know if other users have faced the same problem as I have?
    Cheers Ole

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    The other strange thing is that the background layer is locked upon opening in PS. I wonder what is/has going/gone wrong. I like the LR PS combination but I do think that I am not the only one that is confused I can live with the locked background layer though.
    Cheers Ole

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    One issue when working with these two programs is that if you select a raw file in LR and choose "open in Photoshop", it does not open in Camera Raw. The only way to open a raw file in Camera raw is to open it directly from Photoshop. Adobe are aware of this issue and no doubt it will be dealt with at some future update.
    Peter - I find your workflow rather puzzling. The Lightroom Develop Module and Adobe Camera Raw, for all intents and purposes are identical, so editing a file in Lightroom and then passing it on to Adobe Camera Raw does not make any sense to me.

    The standard recommended workflows have always been Lightroom -> Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw -> Photoshop. In the latter workflow, ACR is usually accessed from Adobe Bridge. Going from Raw Convertor / Parametric Editor to another (identical) Raw Convertor / Parametric Editor seems a bit awkward and unnecessary.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    The other strange thing is that the background layer is locked upon opening in PS. I wonder what is/has going/gone wrong.
    That it how Photoshop works and has worked ever since I started using it with the Photoshop CS back in 2003. Click on the lock icon and it unlocks. As I use a non-destructive workflow in Photoshop using adjustment layers and smart objects, I never touch the original layer at all.

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    I sometimes pass images from Lightroom to Photoshop. I was doing so today and found I could not even copy the locked background layer in PS. I then realised that I had ignored a tip I had come across not long ago: I had not started up PS before choosing "Edit in PS" from the LR menu. Unfortunately I don't recall the context of that tip.(*)

    I am not an experienced user of either program, so you may wish to treat this post with a suitable amount of scepticism! But if someone can confirm that this is a known issue/workaround it may help others.

    (*) but details are here: Bug in PS and LR
    Last edited by Rufus; 8th January 2019 at 11:13 PM.

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    I sometimes pass images from Lightroom to Photoshop. I was doing so today and found I could not even copy the locked background layer in PS. I then realised that I had ignored a tip I had come across not long ago: I had not started up PS before choosing "Edit in PS" from the LR menu. Unfortunately I don't recall the context of that tip.

    I am not an experienced user of either program, so you may wish to treat this post with a suitable amount of scepticism! But if someone can confirm that this is a known issue/workaround it may help others.
    David - I had Photoshop closed and used the "Edit in Photoshop" command. The software did what it has always done and opened Photoshop and showed the image I had exported from Lightroom. Under the Layers panel, you should see the background layer with the lock showing. Click on the lock and the layer is renamed from Background to Layer 0 and the lock disappears.

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    David - I had Photoshop closed and used the "Edit in Photoshop" command. The software did what it has always done and opened Photoshop and showed the image I had exported from Lightroom. Under the Layers panel, you should see the background layer with the lock showing. Click on the lock and the layer is renamed from Background to Layer 0 and the lock disappears.
    Yes, that certainly works.

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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    That it how Photoshop works and has worked ever since I started using it with the Photoshop CS back in 2003. Click on the lock icon and it unlocks. As I use a non-destructive workflow in Photoshop using adjustment layers and smart objects, I never touch the original layer at all.
    I have never had to unlock it before now

  16. #16
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Peter - I find your workflow rather puzzling.
    Manfred. That is because it is not part of my workflow !

    I use Silkypix Developer studio Pro as my raw converter, and either create a JPEG directly from that, or create a TIFF if I wish to more editing in Photoshop, and create a JPEG from the edited TIFF in PS.

    i use LR extensively for cataloguing/tagging my images so my raw files are always imported into LR when I load them onto the computer from the card.

    I don't use LR to edit images at all (I don't use the develop module), but occasionally use Camera Raw in Photoshop to process undeveloped raw files. It was trying to do this with the command "edit in Photoshop" that I discovered it would not open in PS in Camera Raw. So in these circumstances I just open it directly.

  17. #17
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    One issue when working with these two programs is that if you select a raw file in LR and choose "open in Photoshop", it does not open in Camera Raw. The only way to open a raw file in Camera raw is to open it directly from Photoshop.
    Why not do this:

    1. Open the file in Photoshop from Lightroom
    2. In photoshop, right-click on the resulting background layer and convert to smart object
    3. Ctrl-shift-A will open the smart object in ACR.

  18. #18
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lost shortcuts in Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Why not do this:

    1. Open the file in Photoshop from Lightroom
    2. In photoshop, right-click on the resulting background layer and convert to smart object
    3. Ctrl-shift-A will open the smart object in ACR.
    One can also use the "Open as SmartObject in Photoshop" menu item using Lightroom CC <Photo> <Edit In> menu selections.

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