The lines lead in nicely to the work of art, but I am not sure about the toolbox left in the foreground![]()
Frankly, there is more art in your image than there seems to be in some of the exhibits in the gallery.
I've never quite seen the art in reproducing an everyday object in some other material or simply painting a everyday object in a matte white paint.
I don't know if I like it or not but I can't stop going back to it
Cheers Ole
I like this very much, John. I think the vignette needs a smoother transition, though.
Thanks all for the comments. Taken in Toronto in the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Ruffus/Geoff, I'm bound to admit that I couldn't make up my mind about the "toolbox". It's a bit of FG interest and in the end, I convinced myself that the high key finish needed a bit of weight at the lower end. To make the comparison though, I removed it. I'm still not sure. See what you think.
I too am ambivalent about the choice. I agree the weight at the lower end is a benefit, but I still find it competes for attention. It interupts the clean lines leading to the work of art and the minimalist suroundings. I have alternated between the 2 versions multiple times in Lightbox and come down in favour of removal. But of course that's only my opinion; yours is the one that matters.
For me, John, that edit looks a lot better with a clean foreground. Now, my view is drawn right into the scene instead of stopping at the edge.
John - I prefer your original interpretation. If you remove the "toolbox" the balance in the image changes and it's not working quite as well. I suspect that the "toolbox" free version would look better with an aggressive crop along the bottom to reduce the amount of foreground.
I agree with Manfred, the initial version works much better. If you are not sure though, perhaps you could try scaling the box down a little bit.
Thanks Rufus,Geoff, Manfred and Greg. I think that I am leaning towards the original. I have belatedly realised that what has bothered me about it is that the balance that Manfred mentions, would be so much better if the box was lower right rather than on the left. However it is a display artefact and it is what it is, where it is - we think. At least we avoided sitting on it just in case.![]()