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Thread: Bug in PS and LR

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    Bug in PS and LR

    Just discovered a bug in the new release of Photoshop. It's been well documented, but I hadn't known about it before. If you open Lightroom without opening Photoshop, select an image, and choose edit in Photoshop, photoshop will open with the image in it. However, if you add layers, the context menu of the layers will be entirely grayed out.

    The work-around is simple: open Photoshop manually before sending an image from LR to photoshop.

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Bug in PS and LR

    i mentioned in another thread that opening a DNG file in a similar manner would not open the file in Camera Raw within Photoshop. There were suggestions in that thread to open it as a smart object instead.

    My own method is simply to open files directly in PS instead of using the LR menu.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Bug in PS and LR

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    i mentioned in another thread that opening a DNG file in a similar manner would not open the file in Camera Raw within Photoshop. There were suggestions in that thread to open it as a smart object instead.

    My own method is simply to open files directly in PS instead of using the LR menu.
    I think this is a different issue. What I encountered is a known bug, and it will probably be fixed in time. I think what you found is an intentional design, but I may be wrong.

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