The farmer stopped after I finished shooting another this old house and told me he thought it was great that I was out shooting images of these old buildings as it validated his keeping the old house in the middle of the field. As I suspected he loses some cropland, money and it is inconvenient to have to drive around the old place, but the sentimental value outweighs the loss.
I was a bit nervous because I had snowshoed out to the house to do the shoots, never know how if anyone will upset by my doing this
Too bad about the moon. However my timing was off and by the time I got out there the moon was getting very low. Plus it was minus 22C and the camera was darn near frozen. I frost bit my fingers on the metal trying adjust the exposure compensation, decided to save my fingers as I knew I would be out for another 30 minutes and I could not afford to do real damage.
Here is a better shot of another building to compensate