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Thread: Morningstar Grist Mill

  1. #1
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Morningstar Grist Mill

    I visited this site in the summer when the water level was high and the inlet to the mill flowing over the weir provided a mirror like surface allowing great reflections.
    Not so this time. This time the site was covered in snow providing a completely different scene. Also the late winter afternoon provided wonderful light unto the Morningstar house, where the owner and his family lived while the mill was in operation in 1895.

    Morningstar Grist Mill

    This is how the water looked leaving the mill on my visit on Sunday:

    Morningstar Grist Mill

    And the water entering the mill:

    Morningstar Grist Mill

    This is how it looked in summer:

    Morningstar Grist Mill

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Morningstar Grist Mill

    Nice scenes.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Morningstar Grist Mill

    The winter shots are a stark contrast to the summer ones. The light on the Morningstar house is very nice. I suspect that the picnic bench is not authentic...

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