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Thread: Mouse question

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Mouse question

    This is probably going to seem a very silly question to anyone familiar with computers, but here goes.

    Will a wireless USB2 mouse (Logitech) which I have been using for some years with a 32bit laptop work OK with a new 64bit laptop running Windows 10? I know that the obvious answer might be to plug it in and see, but I’m just a bit concerned that I might upset something. If it isn’t likely to work is pretty much any reasonably priced USB3 mouse going to fit the bill?

    p.s. I have slightly more knowledge when it comes to pressing my camera shutter, fortunately


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Mouse question

    Quote Originally Posted by Thornton View Post
    This is probably going to seem a very silly question to anyone familiar with computers, but here goes.

    Will a wireless USB2 mouse (Logitech) which I have been using for some years with a 32bit laptop work OK with a new 64bit laptop running Windows 10? I know that the obvious answer might be to plug it in and see, but I’m just a bit concerned that I might upset something. If it isn’t likely to work is pretty much any reasonably priced USB3 mouse going to fit the bill?

    p.s. I have slightly more knowledge when it comes to pressing my camera shutter, fortunately

    Yes - the mouse relies on drivers that are either part of the operating system or supplemental ones supplied by the manufacturer of the mouse. It should work fine if you use the drivers that ship with Windows. If you want somewhat expanded functionality, download the most up-to-date SetPoint software from Logitech.

  3. #3

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    Re: Mouse question

    Many thanks Manfred,


  4. #4

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    Re: Mouse question

    There's absolutely no use for a usb3 mouse. I wonder even if they exist.
    Just plug in your mouse.


  5. #5
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: Mouse question

    Quote Originally Posted by Thornton View Post
    This is probably going to seem a very silly question to anyone familiar with computers, but here goes.

    Will a wireless USB2 mouse (Logitech) which I have been using for some years with a 32bit laptop work OK with a new 64bit laptop running Windows 10? I know that the obvious answer might be to plug it in and see, but I’m just a bit concerned that I might upset something. If it isn’t likely to work is pretty much any reasonably priced USB3 mouse going to fit the bill?

    p.s. I have slightly more knowledge when it comes to pressing my camera shutter, fortunately

    Yer USB2 mouse will work with yer new PC. Yer USB3 slot, if that's the one ye use, will run at USB 2 speeds (not USB3). The only real advantage of USB3 is that it obviates the need for the OS tae poll the USB slots all the time. This will very slightly affect latency and consequently a slight effect on video game performance. Both yer mouse and yer keyboard hardly transfer enough information tae matter elsewhere. If ye type around 1000 words a minute, then USB2 will be too slow

    Ah used a Cherry keyboard for 10 years, it was ahead of its time, when new, and was only replaced 'cos it "died". Same with a Logitech Revolution mouse, again nearly 10 years old -still works well. Only replaced for a gaming mouse with more bells and whistles. A fair bit of ma software have their origins up tae 10 years ago. Folk shouldn't be so keen tae chuck stuff. Ah have 40 year old speakers in ma hi-fi and a 40 year old turntable. Why? Cos they still sound better than anything else ah've heard. Most of ma lenses are 30/40/50 years old. Old often trumps new.

    Save yer money and use yer present mouse. As said elsewhere - download the latest software from the net.
    Last edited by tao2; 10th February 2019 at 11:04 PM.

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