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Thread: distortions in images posted here

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    distortions in images posted here

    When preparing a reply to a question about resizing, I noticed for the first time (!) a distortion of aspect ratios in images posted here by linking from Smugmug.

    Here is the example that I tried to use in the earlier post. Here's the original image. It is 200 x 389. Different sizes produce the same image on the CiC page.

    distortions in images posted here

    Here's the revised image, which I deliberately transformed to create a different aspect ratio (to show the resulting distortion). It is 600 x 450.

    distortions in images posted here

    The two look identical here. In other viewers, they look strikingly different. When I embedded the Smugmug links in an e-mail, the two images looked correct, that is, different.

    I tried several different sizes, and the results are always the same.

    This is a serious problem, as it indicates that this site isn't successfully maintaining the aspect ratio of linked photos. (Having posted scores of images this way, I am surprised and a little embarrassed that I never noticed this before.) Does anyone have any insight into this, or any way to avoid the problem?
    Last edited by DanK; 12th February 2019 at 01:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Dan - I have that issue when viewing on my phone or tablet, but not on a computer screen. I only get the issue when viewing in portrait orientation, not in landscape.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Dan - I have that issue when viewing on my phone or tablet, but not on a computer screen. I only get the issue when viewing in portrait orientation, not in landscape.
    Hmm. In this case, I am having the problem even on my computer screen. If you think of it next time you are on this site on your computer, can you check whether the difference between these two shows up?

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Hmm. In this case, I am having the problem even on my computer screen. If you think of it next time you are on this site on your computer, can you check whether the difference between these two shows up?
    I see the same, as you.


  5. #5

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Some test.
    Copy the adress location from the cic side and open the picture in a new tab. The same with the other picture. Now you see the picture right from smusmug. Wit a different ratio.
    I think it's something with smugsmug, or you.
    The sizes are 600x389 and 600x450.


  6. #6
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    The two images look different aspect ratios on my screens - the second is taller. They appear to have that difference on my phone, tablet and laptop. I don't know if the following has any significance - I use the Opera web browser on each device.


  7. #7

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    On my MBP the second image is taller than the first.

  8. #8
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    I use Firefox and the pictures look the same on the 'regular' page but are different using lightbox when I look without signing in. When logged in they are different in both cases.

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    I hadn't thought to try the lightbox. What I just found is that they look the same in Firefox (logged in or not), Edge, and Chrome on my computer, but they look different in all browsers if I try the lightbox. Ditto, Firefox and Safari on my iPad.

    I think it's something with smugsmug, or you
    I don't think so, because the Smugmug links work fine outside of CiC.

    I think I will create a second test image that is easier to evaluate.

  10. #10
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Here's a new, much more extreme example. This time, it seems to be at least approximately correct. My measurements in CiC on my screen approximate the actual file aspect ratio. First, a test chart, 5184 x 3456, link display size 800 x 533 (ratio 3:2, uncropped FF image)

    distortions in images posted here

    Same image with horizontal direction compressed by more than two, 2500 x 3456 on smugmug, display link 434 x 600:

    distortions in images posted here

    Now, to double check, I'll insert both in the larger size I normally would use. first, 1024 x 683:

    distortions in images posted here

    Now, 692 x 960:

    distortions in images posted here
    Last edited by DanK; 12th February 2019 at 07:10 PM.

  11. #11

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    I just don't see what you mean


  12. #12

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    When preparing a reply to a question about resizing, I noticed for the first time (!) a distortion of aspect ratios in images posted here by linking from Smugmug.

    Here is the example that I tried to use in the earlier post. Here's the original image. It is 200 x 389. Different sizes produce the same image on the CiC page.

    distortions in images posted here
    I have a utility (Jruler) that measures screen pixels. The posted image measures 1003x656px at 133% in FireFox on my screen.

    The posted aspect ratio is, therefore, 1.521:1

    The original, at 389x200px, is of course 1.945:1

    Quite a difference and quite peculiar ...

    Can't help, sorry.

  13. #13
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Thanks to all for checking on this. The bottom line appears to be that CiC sometimes, but not always, changes the aspect ratio when displaying images linked from elsewhere.

  14. #14

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Thanks to all for checking on this. The bottom line appears to be that CiC sometimes, but not always, changes the aspect ratio when displaying images linked from elsewhere.
    The original is 600x386.


  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Hi Dan, et al,

    I tried the first pair of images on my PC using Firefox (logged in), plus Chrome, Edge and IE (all not logged in) - all display the difference correctly, even in the thread.
    I tried dragging the FF browser tab to a vertical (portrait) oriented monitor, it was still good.

    I don't have a tablet to try it on.

    On my phone (Moto G4), using Chrome and not logged in, they also look correct (i.e. different) whether I use LyteBox or just view first post in thread AND regardless orientation of phone.

    That said, I think I may have seen this behaviour a while back, so I'm not disbelieving Dan

    Just that, as back then, I cannot replicate it on demand.


  16. #16

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    I still don't see the problem. So some guessing from me.
    The size on your screen is dependent on the size of your screen. In windows you can see that by right click on the picture and look for image info. There you'll see the size of the original image as send to you. If it's scaled to another dimension it's mentioned behind that. Your last picture says by example "694px × 959px (scaled to 506px × 700px)". The same ratio. Maybe you're referring to another ratio after this scaling?
    After resizing the browser I get 694px × 959px (scaled to 647px × 894px) Exact the same up to 3 decimals behind the decimal point.


    There's another behaviour of the images when you use preview when posting.

    Last edited by george013; 13th February 2019 at 07:13 AM.

  17. #17
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    I still don't see the problem. So some guessing from me.
    Look at the information from the two photos that you obtain by right-clicking. The first is 600 x 389. The second is 600 x 450. Yet on my monitor and that of a number of other posters, they appear identical unless opened in lightbox (when they correctly appear different).

    I just looked on a different computer (although the same brand: Dell), using both Firefox and Chrome. Same results as on my home computer: the images incorrectly look the same unless opened in lightbox. For someone who knows as little about this as I do, it is very puzzling that some people see this and others don't. Could it be related to the video cards?

  18. #18
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Dan - Like Dave, I am unable to replicate the issue. I get the same size numbers that you do. The image in the first shot does not look identical to the second one. It is more "squashed" looking than the second one.

  19. #19
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Dan - Like Dave, I am unable to replicate the issue. I get the same size numbers that you do. The image in the first shot does not look identical to the second one. It is more "squashed" looking than the second one.
    As it should be.

    I have a third computer, a Lenovo laptop, but I don't have it with me. I will try it on that machine later.

    Here is a screenshot of the two images on CiC:

    distortions in images posted here

    Don't look for subtle differences; the two images are dramatically different before posting to CiC.

    I tried taking screen shots of the originals, uploading them to Smugmug,and posting, but the same problem arises.
    Last edited by DanK; 13th February 2019 at 02:42 PM.

  20. #20

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    Re: distortions in images posted here

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Look at the information from the two photos that you obtain by right-clicking. The first is 600 x 389. The second is 600 x 450. Yet on my monitor and that of a number of other posters, they appear identical unless opened in lightbox (when they correctly appear different).

    I just looked on a different computer (although the same brand: Dell), using both Firefox and Chrome. Same results as on my home computer: the images incorrectly look the same unless opened in lightbox. For someone who knows as little about this as I do, it is very puzzling that some people see this and others don't. Could it be related to the video cards?
    I don't see what you see on your pc, let that be clear.
    Go to your first post and read the image sizes by right click->image info.
    My browser is full screen, meaning a 19" screen.
    Photo 1: 600px × 389px, the size you uploaded it.
    Photo 2: 600px × 450px, again the size you uploaded it.

    Now I make my browser window smaller.
    Photo 1: 600px × 389px (scaled to 390px × 253px)
    Photo 2: 600px × 450px (scaled to 390px × 293px)

    The smaller the photo's get, the less the difference will be, the less it will be visible.
    Play with this.

    I still wonder what you mean with "When preparing a reply to a question about resizing". If you are referring to the preview, then the pictures will be shown different.


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