When preparing a reply to a question about resizing, I noticed for the first time (!) a distortion of aspect ratios in images posted here by linking from Smugmug.
Here is the example that I tried to use in the earlier post. Here's the original image. It is 200 x 389. Different sizes produce the same image on the CiC page.
Here's the revised image, which I deliberately transformed to create a different aspect ratio (to show the resulting distortion). It is 600 x 450.
The two look identical here. In other viewers, they look strikingly different. When I embedded the Smugmug links in an e-mail, the two images looked correct, that is, different.
I tried several different sizes, and the results are always the same.
This is a serious problem, as it indicates that this site isn't successfully maintaining the aspect ratio of linked photos. (Having posted scores of images this way, I am surprised and a little embarrassed that I never noticed this before.) Does anyone have any insight into this, or any way to avoid the problem?