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Thread: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

  1. #41
    New Member
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there all
    I'm Luke from Shropshire in the UK. I've been a lurker on this forum for years but have never plucked up the courage to to join let alone post any of my shots. I'm currently doing a lot of table top macro due to not getting out and about as much this year. At the moment I'm producing focus stacked macro panoramas that could be viewed as landscapes. I'd love some feedback on the results when I can get over the anxiety of posting them

  2. #42

    Join Date
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    If you look through some of the previously uploaded images, Luke, you will see that many 'perfect' photos just get a few lines of comments while the 'How could I have done this better' type of post gets pages of replies. So have a go at uploading some samples of your work in order to get a bit of genuine feedback.

    This is a really friendly site where everybody tries to be helpful; unlike some other sites which I have previously tried.

  3. #43
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I'm Darren based in Morocco.

  4. #44
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, Paul here.
    I have promoted the CIC to quite a few people in Flicker since the mid 90's. I just realized that I no longer was a member of this lovely and useful group. I thus resurrected my avatar. I was a commercial studio photographer for about 30 years but lost interest as I realized the owner of the studio was the only one making money... So I now only take photos for my own pleasure. I love travel photography, family pictures and local scenery as I walk around with my wife and our granddaughter.
    I have plenty of practical experience and am quite fond of criticism in a kind manner. Please excuse my rough handling of the English language as I am a French Canadian.

  5. #45

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hey guys,

    I'm Caleb. I currently live in Utah, USA. I'm excited to further my photography. I'm mostly doing landscape/travel photography right now, but I'm trying to branch out. I really love animals and want to do more wildlife photography, but I haven't done much of it. I'm hear to learn and get better. I'm super pumped to join a photography community!

  6. #46
    New Member Macdavid's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hey guys,
    I am David. I found this forum completely accidentally but I am glad to be here Have a great time!

  7. #47
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi David, like you I originally found CiC completely by accident. Welcome to the forum. You'll find a number of other Canadians here.

  8. #48

    Join Date
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    Rob Jones

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there, I'm Rob from Staffordshire in the UK. Nice and interesting forum you have going here!

  9. #49
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Rob, welcome on board. I hope you enjoy here. I live in East Cheshire, just a few miles north of the Staffordhire border.

    I did workout your user name!

  10. #50

    Join Date
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    Rob Jones

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Hi Rob, welcome on board. I hope you enjoy here. I live in East Cheshire, just a few miles north of the Staffordhire border.

    I did workout your user name!
    Hello Dave, thank you
    I have a sneaky feeling that I may no you! Did you live in Stoke at all?

  11. #51
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    No Rob, never in Stoke. Where I am now, Gawsworth near Macclesfield, is the furthest south I've ever lived! I can see you've engaged in the forums already.
    My own kit is m4/3, for me it's the best all round compromise

  12. #52

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Dave, I worked with a Guy named Dave Dedics or the surname was something like that!
    Anyway thank you and nice to meet you. If you are ever over my way feel free to call in for a cuppa!

  13. #53

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, you are welcome. Hope you will find here a lot of useful info.

  14. #54
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello.... I'm happy to have found this site. I've been taking pic with my Canon 40D for several years. Work keeps me busy and over the last few years, away from photography. I'm eager to get started again with plans to purchase a new camera. Considering the Canon EOS 6D Mark ii or the EOS 5D Mark iv. Also intrigued by the EOS 5DS. Mirrorless might be an option. Mostly I love walking with my camera and shooting the gorgeous landscapes we live in. Would appreciate any thoughts on camera purchases. Thanks

  15. #55
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here


    Welcome to CiC. Please go to the top right of the screen and add your name (we use real names here) and location. your location will sometimes help people give better advice.

    I think you'll have to provide more detail before people can give you well-informed suggestions about a purchase. However, I'll throw in a few general points. One is that more isn't necessarily better. That is, buying the next level up doesn't necessarily help. The second is that a lot of factors go into deciding what's best: what you photograph, how you display images, how big and fit you are, and how far you carry your gear.

    I have shot Canon DSLRs since I first switched to digital and have owned a bunch of different models, so I can comment on the three you mention. The 5 D IV is a wonderful camera, and it's currently my main body. But is it worth it for you? That all depends. The 6D II costs roughly half as much. The 5D IV has a number of advantages, including a vastly better autofocus system, better dynamic range, and slightly better controls. (I believe the 6D lacks the joystick on the back.) The AF is not an issue for landscapes. The dynamic range is, but you can bracket exposures in landscape work unless you have wind blowing things around. So, the extra money might not be worth it. The 5DS, in my opinion, is basically a specialized camera for people who print very large and have very good glass that can benefit from its increased resolution. For my purposes, it's inferior to the 5D IV.

  16. #56

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi guys. I am registered on this forum for nearly one month. But I am glad to say hello and glad to see new members as I see that this forum continues growing. Thanks.

  17. #57

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Welcome to forum

  18. #58

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Really nice picture. thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum.

  19. #59

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, my name is Marco. I am a landscape photographer from the United States. I have been taking my photography a little more seriously after about 5 and a half years of shooting. I;m really comming her to get blunt (don't worry you wont hurt my feelings) feedback on my work. I'd appreciate anything from editing techniques to how to better compose a shot.

  20. #60
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrobletobaggett View Post
    Hello, my name is Marco. I am a landscape photographer from the United States. I have been taking my photography a little more seriously after about 5 and a half years of shooting. I;m really comming her to get blunt (don't worry you wont hurt my feelings) feedback on my work. I'd appreciate anything from editing techniques to how to better compose a shot.
    Hi Marco,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    Probably your best bet would be to post no more than a handful of examples, perhaps even one per thread, in the Nature & Architecture forum and ask for the required guidance.

    I look forward to seeing your work.

    Kind regards,

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