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Thread: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

  1. #201

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hallo everyone from Thessaloniki , Greece . An amateur photographer for many years still in learning mode . Following this site long ago . Regards , Haralabos Nelkos .

  2. #202

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I'm new to this forum, but I've been doing photography since I was around 8 years old, first with a box camera, and then my father's 35mm Contax II camera. I've been "doing" photography ever since, both for myself, for various magazines, and for places I worked at. My forum "home" lately has been the DxO PhotoLab forums, mostly here:
    My website/gallery is

    For as long as I can remember, I've been into 'photojournalism', and very little "art" photography which this forum seems to specialize in. I'd like to learn more.

    As I posted in the PhotoLab forum, I don't know whether my attempts at are are comparable to my nephew's way of seeing, since he is colorblind, or that I've just focused on one thing for so long, I never got into "art".

    My cameras are mostly Nikon DSLR, lately my D780 and Df, and my Leica rangefinder cameras. I've got more, lots more, but 99% of my photography is with the Nikons. Everyone in the PhotoLab forum tells me to dump the Df, and stick with the newer and more powerful Nikon, but the Df is something special to me - always has been. I've got no desire to switch over to "mirrorless".

    I like the photos I create, but I'm told that they are too much "photojournalism" and therefore boring. I guess I'm mostly here to learn about the artistic side of photography. Maybe I can learn to improve. I guess that's why I joined this forum.

  3. #203

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by mikemyers View Post
    ...My forum "home" lately has been the DxO PhotoLab forums, mostly here...
    Hello Mike, nice to see you here. I hope you find it helpful in your quest to create photographic art.

  4. #204
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    I'm new here, and thanks for your invitation , the quality of your forum motivated me to participate, I'm retired near Paris and share my time with our cat breeding and competition exposure, and photography of course ..

  5. #205
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi all,

    Jean signing in here. I am an enthusiast and love shooting landscapes, cityscapes, and travel. I shoot with a Canon mirrorless, but have also shot with film, Canon DSLR, Fuji & Sony mirrorless.


  6. #206
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi everyone. I am a birder who mostly takes photographs of birds and other wildlife at home and while on travel. I have just switched cameras from an SLR to a bridge camera to lighten my load. I hope to learn more about the best way to use my camera and how to capture better pictures in general. I'm looking forward to using this forum and the website to help me become a better photographer.

  7. #207
    Otavio's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcia B View Post
    Hi everyone. I am a birder who mostly takes photographs of birds and other wildlife at home and while on travel. I have just switched cameras from an SLR to a bridge camera to lighten my load. I hope to learn more about the best way to use my camera and how to capture better pictures in general. I'm looking forward to using this forum and the website to help me become a better photographer.
    Hello, Marcia, and welcome do CIC. You will surely find many people here wanting to help and share knowledge and experience.

    PS.: I am also a birder!

  8. #208

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi everyone, I'm an aspiring photographer, would love for this to become my life's work. I sincerely enjoy it. I wish I had mastered Photoshop, but I found a great alternative to start with, it's skylum ]. I'd be glad to find like-minded people
    Last edited by Manfred M; 18th October 2023 at 12:44 PM. Reason: Remove Skylum link

  9. #209
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by AceVentura92 View Post
    Hi everyone, I'm an aspiring photographer, would love for this to become my life's work. I sincerely enjoy it. I wish I had mastered Photoshop, but I found a great alternative to start with, it's skylum ]. I'd be glad to find like-minded people
    Welcome to CiC. Skylum is a well known product, so no need to link to it. Everyone's post-production needs are different and the tools that you use are up to you, so long as you are getting the results that you want.

  10. #210
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My name is Ravishankar and am from Chennai, India. I am a metallurgist by profession and worked in a scientific establishment till superannuation, a couple of years ago. I have now taken to photography and would like to do landscapes. There seems to be a lot of emphasis, today, on post processing of RAW images which is something I am yet to come to terms with. I am looking forward to learning from experience - mine as well as others - by joining this community.

  11. #211
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by C Ravishankar View Post
    My name is Ravishankar and am from Chennai, India. I am a metallurgist by profession and worked in a scientific establishment till superannuation, a couple of years ago. I have now taken to photography and would like to do landscapes. There seems to be a lot of emphasis, today, on post processing of RAW images which is something I am yet to come to terms with. I am looking forward to learning from experience - mine as well as others - by joining this community.
    Hi Ravi, welcome to CiC! Your comment took me back to when I first began processing RAW images. If you have questions along the journey, post them and I'm sure you'll receive advice.

  12. #212
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Thanks. I plan to use RAW THERAPEE for post processing. I am using the online manual RAWPEDIA to understand how the software works. I tried processing some old images taken in Ladhak some years ago. I am shocked how I have been able to bring to life several images that I almost discarded as poor. I now realise the RAW images are nothing more than data from the sensors and have to be manipulated which can be done only when data is available and thus the importance of the histogram and 'expose to the right'.

    I use a Sony A7iii body and have Sony 24-105 mm/ f4, Sony 90 mm macro and Samyang 18 mm lenses.

    Looking forward to interactions in the forum.

  13. #213
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    My name is Daryl and I live in Brisbane Australia. I am a life member of a local camera club. Love all sorts of photography especially motor racing. Use all nikon with D750 and D7200 from a 14 mm up to a 150-600mm sigma lens.

  14. #214

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello. My name is Craig, and I live in Georgia. I have been a lifelong photography enthusiast and mostly enjoy landscape photography. This forum looks like a great place for continuing my journey and expanding my education! I use a Sony a6700 camera coupled with a few lenses (Tamron 10-18, Sony 18-135, and Tamron 18-300 mm).

    Best wishes to all!

  15. #215
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi Daryl and Cragar, welcome to CiC!

  16. #216

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    MDI Mainer here. I'm a retired attorney in the US. My wife and I now live on Mount Desert Island, Maine, which is home to Acadia National Park. My images tend to favor the natural landscape and local wildlife. I'm a Sony shooter. Here's an image of the winter sunrise from the deck of our lakefront home.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by MDI Mainer; 6th December 2023 at 04:25 AM.

  17. #217
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Welcome to the forum. I envy you your location - that's a stunning view you have.
    Hope to see more of your photos.

  18. #218

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Chataignier View Post
    Welcome to the forum. I envy you your location - that's a stunning view you have.
    Hope to see more of your photos.
    Thank you! I'm looking forward to being part of an international photo community.

  19. #219

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello All, I'm PhotoVanGogh, also known as Lewis. I live in the states in Scranton, Pa. I've been in and out of this site a few times though I never joined till now. I'm hoping to find a group of enthusiasts to gain critique and learn from, as well as offer what I know. I shoot Sony alpha 77ii and work mostly in LR and PS. I have a neglected pandemic darkroom as well as a few film cameras. If anything that taught me that I still enjoy shooting film, but can't afford the paper to make my own prints anymore. So, I might continue to shoot film and just scan it. I love to get out in nature, explore abandoned places, set up still life's and am willing to shoot just about anywhere or anything. For me photography is a creative pursuit. I'd like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to meet you all in the forums.

  20. #220

    Re: NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here

    Hello, I just joined also and wanted to welcome a few new members as well

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