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Thread: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  1. #1
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Nikon D7100, 32mm, f/5, 1/4s, ISO: 800. Finished to my taste (such as it is) in PhotoLab 2 & Photoshop CC sharop enough for me.

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  2. #2

    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    I'm glad you did too. The color and sharpness are outstanding!

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Nice shot.

  4. #4
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Deer: D7100, 450mm (equivelant), 1/250, f/8, ISO: 100. Some Raw sharpenng

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  5. #5
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Quite sharp for so long a zoom range.

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  6. #6
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    More for those interested in the Nikon 28-300mm...

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Haven't seen a Woolworth's in a few decades, surprised Dollar Tree isn't trying to buy. Nice captures.

  8. #8
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Even better...

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    All of the images I have posted recently on my travels through Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia have been taken with that lens too.

    I never judge a lens based on the quality of an image posted in the internet. The true test is when we look at an image at 100% size. When you downsample an image for display you are throwing away most of the pixels your camera captured. As an example, how many times have you taken a picture that looks sharp when you look at the display on the back of your camera and gotten back and loaded it onto your computer and found it to be soft. The same effect is in play here.

    My testing has confirmed that it is not the sharpest lens I own and in fact it is probably the softest, but unless I am making large prints and comparing them side by side with one made with my pro glass, most people would not be able to see the difference.

  10. #10
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

    Spot on Manfred, I have to stretch my small Photoshop brain to bring out the very very best in an image from the 28-300mm yet I fear the lens has been occasionally maligned by those who do not know the lens' "sweet spot" 5.6 - 8 (I think) and do not apply a little camera Raw. I am sure you will agree that, in photography, we are often given over to compromise concerning either weight of our kit or concerning camera & lens options given incident light. For example, while no prize winner, I would have not gotten the shot below had I not been using the versatile 28-300.

    OK I got the Nikon 28-300 FX and I am glad I did

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