9th March 2019, 12:17 PM

O fotógrafo sentiu necessidade de baptizar uma fotografia antiga, assemelhando-se àquele escultor que aplica um nariz de mármore novo a uma velha estátua a quem falta o dito apêndice. Não é o sentido de estilo, nem a falha que o incomoda. É simplesmente uma imaginação demasiado viva, que se debate com a decrepitude dos sentidos, transformando a fotografia numa forma de alucinação.
9th March 2019, 02:41 PM
9th March 2019, 11:48 PM
Re: Nariz
I like the composition. You could introduce different tonalities separating the person a tad but maybe you won't try and that is fine.
Cheers Ole
10th March 2019, 08:09 PM
12th March 2019, 03:52 AM
Re: Nariz
Thought I would try the Google translation service, Fernando, since I have not attempted much before. The response I got translating your Portuguese is
"The photographer felt the need to baptize an old photograph, resembling that sculptor who applies a new marble nose to an old statue to whom the appendix is missing. It's not the sense of style, nor the flaw that bothers you. It is simply a very vivid imagination, which is debated with the decrepitude (feebleness) of the senses, transforming photography into a form of hallucination." The word feebleness is my suggestion because decreptitude is seldom used these days, being very 'old' English.
12th March 2019, 03:55 AM
Re: Nariz
Regarding what I think of your efforts, I will need to ponder. However, in the meantime, it certainly does challenge and is worth a lot more than just one look.
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