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Thread: Hi, from john in the UK

  1. #1
    New Member whiskerytorpedo's Avatar
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    Hi, from john in the UK

    Just thought I would post an introduction. I have had an interest in photography for most of my life and started off with a Yashica when I was still at school. I then moved on to a Cannon T-70 awesome! that kept me going until the draw of digital finally drew me in and I bought a Pentax compact digital. I cannot for the life of me remember which model, took a good photo though. I then had and still have a Pentax W90 that I use for kayaking. I have now decided it was time I had a decent change lens camera and not wanting a DSLR. [ I can not see the point of me buying a camera that would rarely leave the house because of the inconvenience of lugging it around ] So a mirrorless camera seemed to cover the most bases and I settled on an Olympus E-PL9. I am getting along with it fine and have been out taking photographs and getting to know the camera. Most recently when I had a trip up the smoke to see the Don McCullin exhibition ( when I shot only in B&W in homage ) and a day locally shooting long exposures to try out some new ND filters I had recently bought. It was blowing a hooley so that was tricky ! Looking forward to browsing the forum and picking up a tip or two...also expect some posts asking dumb questions.

  2. #2

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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Now Now John, none of us here are going to ask you dumb questions!!

    Welcome to the forum.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Welcome from this side of the pond...

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Hi John,

    Welcome, had quite a few years fun with the EPL1 with a 20mm pancake lens attached until I lost the camera, one of the downsides to owning a smaller camera; it fits easily in your pocket and you sometimes forget its there (or not). Looking forward to seeing some of your images.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Hi John,

    Welcome, had quite a few years fun with the EPL1 with a 20mm pancake lens attached until I lost the camera, one of the downsides to owning a smaller camera; it fits easily in your pocket and you sometimes forget its there (or not). Looking forward to seeing some of your images.
    Oh heck... I lost a monopod on a bus in Croatia... Forgot I had it with me, got off the bus and then watched my pod drive off down the road. I hope some Croatian found it, not some rich tourist

  6. #6
    New Member whiskerytorpedo's Avatar
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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by whiskerytorpedo View Post
    Looking forward to browsing the forum and picking up a tip or two...also expect some posts asking dumb questions.
    Sorry i didn't make that clear, it will be me asking the dumb questions.

  7. #7

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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK

    Welcome on board John, I hope to see your works soon.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Hi, from john in the UK


    There are no "dumb" questions on this forum... Ask anything and you will get a prompt, polite and, usually quite accurate, answer... Our members come from all over the world, shoot with many different cameras and in many different types of venues...

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