Just thought I would post an introduction. I have had an interest in photography for most of my life and started off with a Yashica when I was still at school. I then moved on to a Cannon T-70 awesome! that kept me going until the draw of digital finally drew me in and I bought a Pentax compact digital. I cannot for the life of me remember which model, took a good photo though. I then had and still have a Pentax W90 that I use for kayaking. I have now decided it was time I had a decent change lens camera and not wanting a DSLR. [ I can not see the point of me buying a camera that would rarely leave the house because of the inconvenience of lugging it around ] So a mirrorless camera seemed to cover the most bases and I settled on an Olympus E-PL9. I am getting along with it fine and have been out taking photographs and getting to know the camera. Most recently when I had a trip up the smoke to see the Don McCullin exhibition ( when I shot only in B&W in homage ) and a day locally shooting long exposures to try out some new ND filters I had recently bought. It was blowing a hooley so that was tricky ! Looking forward to browsing the forum and picking up a tip or two...also expect some posts asking dumb questions.![]()