I acquired a Spyder 5 Express the other day, and calibrated my laptop monitor. I was pleased that I can now hopefully be reasonably confident that others will see my images as I do, in terms of colour and contrast, and vice versa. Or so I thought.
But I’m confused again. My monitor is hopefully pretty accurate now in terms of sRGB, and I’m not planning on any advanced printing, so I’m not concerned about Adobe RGB. But I just read, in a book about Canon DPP, the advice to get the program to use one’s colour profile. So, would this only apply if I was going to be concerned with Adobe RGB? My basic Spyder software cannot (AFAIK) provide the user with any info. about the percentage of colour spaces the screen can display, but I believe that sRGB should be pretty good on my laptop now, Adobe RGB presumably far less well covered.
So, for web viewing and low-end printing, can I just ensure that everything set to the common sRGB?
I’m just assuming that once the screen is calibrated, the display, whatever one is seeing on it, will be displaying colour guided by the Spyder corrections (I know that it is sensible to re-calibrate periodically). Do I need to do anything in the settings in DPP, PSE, Silkypix or Affinity Photo, other than ensure that I output in sRGB?