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Thread: An ancentor of mines

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    An ancentor of mines

    I was asked to take a picture of a painting representing my grand-grand-grand father. The conditions were not the best but I did the best I could. The painting is hanged in a room of the town hall.
    My ancestor was a popular poet more than 100 years ago in Setúbal, his and mine hometown.

    An ancentor of mines

    An ancentor of mines

    And, for those who understand Portuguese here is one of his poems.

    A quinteira da Panasqueira

    Fui apalpar as gamboas
    que a quinteira tem na quinta
    já tem marmelos maduros
    o seu bastardo já pinta.

    Sou mestre na agricultura
    meu saber ninguém disputa
    gosto de apalpar a fruta
    quando está quase madura...
    Gosto do que tem doçura
    quero e gosto das mais pessoas
    para apalpar coisas boas
    da quinta da Panasqueira
    com licença da quinteira
    fui apalpar as gamboas.

    Por toda a parte que andei
    dei cambalhotas e saltos
    depois de apalpar pêlos altos
    pêlos baixos apalpei.
    Por toda a parte encontrei
    fruta branca e fruta tinta
    para que a dona não se sinta
    nunca direi mal da boda
    apalpei a fruta toda
    que a quinteira tem na quinta.

    Neste tão lindo arvoredo
    não há fruta como a sua
    foi criada em boa lua
    para amadurecer mais cedo.
    Menina, não tenha medo
    que os seus frutos estão seguros
    ou sejam moles ou duros
    todos a têm em estima
    na sua quinta de cima
    já tem marmelos maduros.

    Tem uma árvore escondida
    num regato ao pé dum poço
    que dá fruta sem caroço
    chamada gostos da vida.
    Dessa fruta pretendida
    que a menina tem na quinta
    a menina dê-me um cacho
    que na sua quinta de baixo
    o seu bastardo já pinta.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Nicely exposed.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Wonderful way to find an ancestor. I am thrilled whenever I come across an image of one of my ancestors but, I have never found an image as wonderful as this!

    Perhaps a CPL filter might have mitigated the reflections at bottom image right of the painting...

  4. #4
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Wonderful way to find an ancestor. I am thrilled whenever I come across an image of one of my ancestors but, I have never found an image as wonderful as this!
    Perhaps a CPL filter might have mitigated the reflections at bottom image right of the painting...
    Richard, I did not find my ancestor because I know this fact since long as it was talked among the family as now I talk to my descendants.
    I was not expecting to have such reflections on the painting when heading to the town hall. At the start of the session I noticed those rippled areas but couldn't help it. I closed some windows but it was not enough.
    I couldn't close more because I would not have light at all.
    The artificial light in the room was far worst to use.

    I "imposed" the 640 ISO so I had no noise/low one. Camera tripod mounted. 5 staked photos in LR. Adjustments at will but as far as near to the real as I could do and remember.

    He was very, very poor. He was a caulk with intermittent work. He lived from 1819 to 1911
    He also has sung fado. Here is one of his rare photos.
    Some people say I look at bit like him. His name was António Maria Eusébio

    An ancentor of mines

  5. #5
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Lovely post , thanks for sharing.

    I did think of translating the poem online, but fear it may not do your relative justice.

  6. #6
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    Lovely post , thanks for sharing.
    I did think of translating the poem online, but fear it may not do your relative justice.
    I am sure it does not. It is very metaphorical and sensual... it really is only for native speakers of Portuguese... Brazilians will also find it amazing and amusing ! Let's wait for Antônio Luz and his opinion.

    Thank you Peter, for commenting !

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Given the lighting conditions and the condition of the painting itself with the ripples in it, you have done quite well.

    I remember watching some prep work being done to photograph a large painting in a historical setting in Europe. The whole area was blocked off and the photographer had a lot of large lights and soft boxes set up to take the shot.

    Regardless, an interesting story about your ancestor!

  8. #8
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Thank you Manfred, for your comment.

    I had only natural light and now I am sorry I have not photographed the hole room !

    I haven't even measured the ambient light with a grey card ! Never mind, it was day time. It is true that the room is all around with wood which can - and will - interfere with the WB... but it worked !

    I don't think I will have another opportunity soon...

    I will try to say that the photo was not good and would like to repeat. Let's see if it works !

  9. #9
    Panama Hat & Camera's Avatar
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    Re: An ancentor of mines

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    I am sure it does not. It is very metaphorical and sensual... it really is only for native speakers of Portuguese... Brazilians will also find it amazing and amusing ! Let's wait for Antônio Luz and his opinion.

    Thank you Peter, for commenting !
    The poem of your ancestor is a masterpiece of popular poetry. It is satirical, sensual and amusing! Very, very good! I liked very much!
    Best regards,

  10. #10
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    António Correia

    Re: An ancentor of mines

    I knew you would like !

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