Tis, truly, The Season of wonder - Christmas, Chanukah, even Kwaanza! It's hard not to snap at all of the lights, decorations and festivities. So, (while we are, also, busy posting our photos into fresh threads, elsewhere, and asking brilliant, pertinent questions about them) I would love to see all of your creative shots, from around the world, of this special time. What does it "look a lot like" to you?
If you're a Grinch or a Scrooge, Go Away! (or show us up with your own brilliant skills in photographing it.)
I'm particularly interested to know in what creative ways you've captured it.
I SHOULD go first but, we don't have a lick of snow, yet, and, feeling completely uninspired, until it comes, I don't have ANY decorations out, yet.
Here is one that I took, last year, with my Kodak Easy Share point and shoot. It was, I think, my first attempt at photography (vs. just a "picture of")!