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Thread: Carbonite Slow Speed

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Carbonite Slow Speed

    I signed up again for Carbonite backup... I had it once before but,due to my own error let it lapse... I did like Carbonite because I was able o recover my files very easily when I needed to... This saved me from a catastrophe...

    I signed up to protect both my computer and my wife's computer. The problem is that the Carbonite is running very slowly on my computer. It has been over 24 hours and only a bit over 10GB of files have been saved. I have a total of 788GB to be saved which I compute to take about 78 days.

    My wife's computer has backed up over 16GB of files in a slightly shorter time than my computer.

    I ran an internet speed check and downloading and uploading at a very slow speed.

    I am wondering if the Internet speed check is registering such slow speed because I am backing up both computers at the same time. Perhaps there is a congestion at the router

    In fact, my entire computer is running quite slowly. I have done a Plumbytes anti Malware scan and it seems like I have no problems along that line.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I ran an internet speed check and downloading and uploading at a very slow speed.
    How fast is your internet upload speed? Don't forget that upload speeds on DSL lines are generally in the order of 10% range of download speeds. My download speeds are normally around 175 Mbs whereas my upload speed is closer to 15 Mbs.

    Add two computers uploading at the same time, your bandwidth requirements will double.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    I would pause the backups, stop everything else using the net, and test your speed. My guess is he same as Manfred’s: asymmetrical upload and download speeds. This often affects cable service, although not as severely as some DSL systems.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. #4

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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    If you uploaded 10GB in 24 hours then your upload speed is about 115 KB/s or 920Kb/s or 0.920Mb/s.
    Are you using wifi or cable at home?


  5. #5
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    And if the root is slow upload on your connection, why not just let it churn away? The bet you're hedging is that nothing happens in the next couple of months that would need your back up.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    The problem is that our Internet is really dragging in anything we do and we do a lot of Internet work with our rescue program..

    I checked the upload speed for my computer (with both computers still running the Carbonite uploads) and I get a bit less that one MbS. I am using DSL and we are at the end of a long line which reduces the speed. Where I live, I don't have decent cable service. It is a mom and pop operation that everyone screams about. That's a price we pay for living where we do...

    We use satellite TV service for our television. Before DSL came to our area we used satellite for our Internet service and were not at all satisfied with it. I don't remember just what the problems were but, we switched to DSL four or five years ago.

    My wife doesn't have anywhere the vast the amount of files stored on her computer (all the images that she has are JPEGS while I have multitudes of RAW files) that I have and her computer will be through uploading sooner than mine. Hopefully, things will run a bit faster when there is only one computer uploading.

    I should have culled a lot of my files first but, I opted to do the culling after I backed up the entire storage. I can see now that it would have been a better plan to cull first, But, hindsight is always more accurate.

  7. #7
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    And if the root is slow upload on your connection, why not just let it churn away? The bet you're hedging is that nothing happens in the next couple of months that would need your back up.
    When I joined Carbonite, I simply let it churn away for a week or two (or so). It eventually got the job done and all has run smoothly since then.

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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Back up is one, restore is two. Did any one ever try a restore?


  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    When I joined Carbonite, I simply let it churn away for a week or two (or so). It eventually got the job done and all has run smoothly since then.
    That's what I did with both online services I have used--CrashPlan and now Backblaze.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    I restored files on a computer that an "expert" had erased in error. It was an easy an flawless process with Carbonite. That is what I like about that program.

    Just like the measure of a good insurance company is how they pay off a claim, the measure of a backup program is how well that program can restore lost files...

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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I restored files on a computer that an "expert" had erased in error. It was an easy an flawless process with Carbonite. That is what I like about that program.

    Just like the measure of a good insurance company is how they pay off a claim, the measure of a backup program is how well that program can restore lost files...
    That's right.
    I used to backup with True Image, it made an image of the disk(s). Easy to restore individual files. But once I needed to restore the primary disk it failed. I can't remember why anymore. One reason why I don't use the primary disk, the c disk, for data.

    I hope you didn't plan holidays during your backup


  12. #12
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    My wife's computer has been backed up and now both of our computers are running a bit faster. Still not up to the pre-backup speed (while mine is still backing up) but, a little faster.

    Now (while the Carbonite files are still uploading) the download speed (measured with the AT&T Speed Check) is 9.65MbS while the upload speed is 1.34 MbS. Prior to Judy's computer finishing the upload of files to Carbonite and while both computers were uploading files the speeds were down: 3.43 MbS and up: between .44 mbS and 1.0 MbS. That is a significant speed advantage.

    I will just live while the files are being uploaded in the background from my computer. Then, eventually when I have the computer backed up, I will begin to cull my files - especially RAW files that I don't want anymore.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 13th May 2019 at 09:01 PM.

  13. #13

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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    My wife's computer has been backed up and now both of our computers are running a bit faster. Still not up to the pre-backup speed (while mine is still backing up) but, a little faster.

    Now (while the Carbonite files are still uploading) the download speed (measured with the AT&T Speed Check) is 9.65MbS while the upload speed is 1.34 MbS. Prior to Judy's computer finishing the upload of files to Carbonite and while both computers were uploading files the speeds were down: 3.43 MbS and up: between .44 mbS and 1.0 MbS. That is a significant speed advantage.

    I will just live while the files are being uploaded in the background from my computer. Then, eventually when I have the computer backed up, I will begin to cull my files - especially RAW files that I don't want anymore.
    I'm surprised about those figures. I've 100Mb/s down and 30Mb/s up. A regular abo. I know Holland has a good internet infrastructure but still a big difference.



  14. #14
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    I'm surprised about those figures. I've 100Mb/s down and 30Mb/s up. A regular abo. I know Holland has a good internet infrastructure but still a big difference.


    Most internet service in the US is inferior to what you have. Some vendors do not sell anything that fast, and others that do sell it charge extra. For example, I have 50 mb/s in both directions and could get 100, but I would have to pay more.

    However, I suspect Richard's service isn't quite as bad as his numbers indicate. If I am not mistaken, given that he had BOTH the speed test and the backup running at the same time, the operating system would have to divide bandwidth between them. If I am right, the only way to get an accurate estimate would be to pause the backup and stop any other processes that require uploads or downloads.

    For related reasons, it is worth testing a number of times, ideally at different times of the day. Some services are highly sensitive to total load in the local area. I used to own a cabin in a remote area that had only DSL, and when evening came and people started streaming videos (or trying to), the system slowed to a crawl. On my main service, my speeds vary by about a factor of 4 from worst to best, and they commonly vary by a factor of two.

  15. #15
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Carbonite Slow Speed

    Unfortunately, I am at the very end of a physically long DSL line which, since it is not fiber optic, slows down the already slow DSL service. We have been promised that the provider, AT&T, is someday going to switch over to fiber optics but, since there are only about twenty or thirty customers on this line so, it would probably not be financially feasible for the provider to upgrade the service to any great degree in the near future.

    The provider does have faster Internet connection available but, unfortunately it is not available where we live. That is one of the downsides of living in a rural environment but, the many upsides make this a really minor annoyance...

    And, yes, I tested the speed of the up/download while the two computers (now only one computer since my wife's computer is finished uploading) were uploading since that is what has been slowing down the Internet service.

    Latest test while my computer is still uploading files to Carbonite:
    Download: 23.08 MbS Upload: 2.21 MbS
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 14th May 2019 at 03:58 PM.

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