Subject lighting is great. Like the background too.
There seems to be a bit of fringing on the shoulders.
And the hair. That is always an issue when shooting against a white background (even when lit with a gelled green light) and the light from the background reflects back. When using a white background, we get a bit of a rim light effect and that tends to not bother anyone. Change the background to another colour and the reflection can be a bit problematic; the back light is the colour of the background and the light that wraps around the subject is the same. That is what causes the fringing, rather than anything in PP.
Here is the SOOC (almost) image before I did any real PP work. I made some minor global tweaks in ACR; brightness, shadow detail and lens correction. The shot was taken with a FF D810 at f/7.1 and a 155mm focal length and the image view is at 100% magnification. The softness accentuates the fringing and is due to DoF. As you can see from her chin the in focus area is quite sharp. I generally shoot at f/8 in the studio, but must have accidentally stopped down 1/3 stop.
Same image, but with all the edits in the posted image applied. These have enhanced the rim lighting effect.
The lighting is just great.
Cheers Ole
Can i ask which method you use to export?
I'm not totally sure what you mean here and my workflow depends on whether I am printing or creating JPEGs for delivery. Proofs are handled differently from "finals". All of my work goes through Photoshop, with the possible exception of proofs.
At a high level, once I have completed all my edits and have a "final" file in Photoshop, I will go through a soft-proofing step (partially to confirm the paper I will use), determine which rendering intent I will use, tweak the image to make it look more like what I see on the screen, resize, output sharpen and print. I generally print to standard paper sizes so cropping will be constrained by that parameter. If I have an odd crop, I won't matte and frame, but use a different mounting method.
For image files I will go through a similar process without the soft proofing step. Resizing and output sharpening and conversion to sRGB profile. I tend to stick to formats that work on social media (4 x5 and square).
For proofs, no significant work other than downsizing and conversion to sRGB.