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Thread: 14-year old Labrador

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    14-year old Labrador

    My daughter's rescue Labrador

    14-year old Labrador

  2. #2
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: 14-year old Labrador

    As always, a nice portrait. Is the dog as calm as she/he appears?

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: 14-year old Labrador

    Yes, she is quite calm and sedate. Her days of rampaging are pretty well over although she did get in some fetch the ball time tonight...

  4. #4
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: 14-year old Labrador

    Nice portrait!! Soulful eyes and what looks to be a gently soul. She certainly looks more English Lab than Field Lab.
    We have a 12 year old girl, also slowing down some but enjoying shorter hikes and some romp time.

    What's that pink bump on her rear paw?

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: 14-year old Labrador

    The vet has diagnosed that pink bump as a fatty tumor. Removing it would only be cosmetic.

    However, this wonderful old lady has been through some pretty extensive back surgery. It is quite surprising that she is still with us and totally surprising that she is still getting around fairly well...

    She still loves playing fetch and our Holly still beats her to the ball. However, in deference to her age and previous spinal surgery, we severely limit the fetch ball time. The only time our Goldendoodle shows the slightest interest in playing fetch is when she is competing with her Lab buddy...

    My daughter also has a young mini-goldendoodle, Duke. Duke was born to a homeless person under a freeway bridge with five female siblings. The shelter contacted us to rescue them and our daughter fell in love with the only male in the liter and named him Duke. He just returned from the groomer and my wife let him out in the yard to go potty before I shot his picture. Of course, he began digging and his muzzle was covered with dirt,

    14-year old Labrador

    And here are my daughters other two rescues. Each one has its own story. A sad early life that turned into a happy life...

    14-year old Labrador

    With our own five dogs and two fosters plus my daughter's four dogs - we have had eleven poochies with us. They all know each other and they are used to our routine. With our very large home and acre of fenced yard, we have plenty of room...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 14th June 2019 at 02:43 PM.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: 14-year old Labrador

    Nice portrait.

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