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Thread: Rain and old fence

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Rain and old fence

    As usual comments and critique welcome. I am branching out a bit in my processing deviating from pure representation to more stylized and interpretive So any opinions are welcome.

    Rain and old fence

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Looks fine to me. A high range of light contrast but you have avoided any clipping in either direction.

  3. #3

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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    As usual comments and critique welcome. I am branching out a bit in my processing deviating from pure representation to more stylized and interpretive So any opinions are welcome.
    So you're now making images. Nothing wrong with that. The FG looks a bit over sharp for me but that might just be the contrasty light. It might have been worth trying a lower viewpoint as well so that the posts break up the horizon a bit to stop it dividing the comp. I like the idea though, particularly the sky.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Nicely captured, very vibrant treatment.

  5. #5
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Highly dramatic.... liked. The Sun is behind the photographer; so is it Natural that a beam of light percolate through the cloud hole in front of the photographer, i wonder... if it were light, the streak should be whiter; or had i misunderstood the situation?

  6. #6

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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Very different, Trevor. I think, like Nandakumar, that the light in the clouds could be a tad lighter (only a tad). Maybe also decreasing the green foreground a bit.

    I think the above suggestions should be applied very lightly.
    Cheers Ole

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Nicely done Trevor - One of those projects that I've had in my mind to do for years is to catch some of those wonderful thunderheads rolling through the Prairies over the ripening wheat fields.

    Only problem, you have that setting, whereas I am way to far east...

    Great shot and definitely along the lines of what I am looking to capture one day.

  8. #8
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Highly dramatic.... liked. The Sun is behind the photographer; so is it Natural that a beam of light percolate through the cloud hole in front of the photographer, i wonder... if it were light, the streak should be whiter; or had i misunderstood the situation?
    The effect I think you are referring to is due to the shadow of the smaller fluffy cloud falling onto rain dropping from the clouds behind it. The colour is due to the very warm glow from the almost set sun, so everything including the rain is redder than usual.

  9. #9
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Rain and old fence

    I thought the part highlighted with green is hole in the cloud through which light steaks (within red outline) comedown shown as a gray strip...may be i am wrong

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    I really like the drama of this image. I wondered ho it would look if the lighter line of green below the darker area surround the water was desaturated just a Tad. It may put more emphasis on the fence without taking away anything from the general image. What do you think?
    Rain and old fence

  11. #11
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Rain and old fence

    I thought the part highlighted with green is hole in the cloud through which light steaks (within red outline) comedown shown as a gray strip...may be i am wrong
    The bit circled in green is a small cumulus cloud very brightly lit by the sun; the red circled area is it's shadow thrown unto the rain behind. I can see where the confusion might arise, an optical illusion that depends on perception of depth; very hard on a 2D image.

  12. #12
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Thanks Richard. I was juggling several factors and forgot to deal with that area. A marked improvement. It was bothering me, but dropped out of the "Things to be dealt with file" in my head. Not good at multitasking or short term memory, is there such an adage as "Out of mind, out of sight"?

  13. #13
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    The bit circled in green is a small cumulus cloud very brightly lit by the sun; the red circled area is it's shadow thrown unto the rain behind. I can see where the confusion might arise, an optical illusion that depends on perception of depth; very hard on a 2D image.
    Now i fully understood the thing; it was a visual confusion only. Thank you for your explanation

  14. #14
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Nicely done Trevor - One of those projects that I've had in my mind to do for years is to catch some of those wonderful thunderheads rolling through the Prairies over the ripening wheat fields.

    Only problem, you have that setting, whereas I am way to far east...

    Great shot and definitely along the lines of what I am looking to capture one day.
    One of the things I am going to miss when I move to Osoyoos. My plan is to drive out the prairie twice or three times a year a to get my big sky fix. Probably early July when the canola and flax are in bloom, early September for the ripened cereal crops and then maybe late October because by then the crop is in and I have access to the older barns/houses with no intrusion on the harvest.

  15. #15

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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Very nice dramatic shot. I woud desaturate the foreground a little, personally I find it a little harsh on the eye. Nice shot though.

  16. #16
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Beautiful image!! I do find I like Richard's edit, as it puts more focus on the posts (and sky), as he suggests. The original saturation felt a little unnatural.
    Wonderful capture overall
    Holy cow you are moving to Osoyoos? ... pretty rugged out there. You going to take some photos of the spotted lake? I've always wanted to see that.

  17. #17

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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Trevor liking it, however and there is often a however the two post and brace are drawing my eyes, what do you think about toning them down just a bit. They make a nice lead in but want to much attention. That is only my way of thinking.

    Cheers: Al

  18. #18
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Rain and old fence

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    Beautiful image!! I do find I like Richard's edit, as it puts more focus on the posts (and sky), as he suggests. The original saturation felt a little unnatural.
    Wonderful capture overall
    Holy cow you are moving to Osoyoos? ... pretty rugged out there. You going to take some photos of the spotted lake? I've always wanted to see that.

    On the shot list. The last two summers have been too smoky to get the shot I want. Maybe next week when I am there.

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