Hi all,
Had some bad luck this spring that interfered with my ability to practise photography, but am mended enough that I have started picking up the camera again.
These are from one of my favorite haunts down at the lake. I shot the 300 mm PF on the D7100 without the 1.4 teleconverter because my arms are weak from not being able to exercise my upper body and I am out of practise shooting moving targets.
All of the above were shot at 1/1250 shutter speed and between 280 and 360 ISO.
Of course, I also got lots of shots like these:
f/8 @ 1/800 and 220 ISO
Last summer, I saw a flock of 40 or 50 of these birds herding fish in front of a friend's lakeside cottage. I hope to capture some of that action this summer.
C&C welcome.