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Thread: Coney Island

  1. #1

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    Coney Island

    Took these shots at Coney Island. The Mermaid parade was held that day. This shot was of the people leaving the subway..
    Coney Island

  2. #2

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    Re: Coney Island

    Coney Island

  3. #3

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    Re: Coney Island

    Coney Island

  4. #4

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    Re: Coney Island

    Coney Island

  5. #5

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    Re: Coney Island

    I like this photo. Was practicing mypost editing on this one today. What I did to it looked artifical to me. Still learning . Coments welcomrd. Dani el
    Coney Island

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Coney Island

    Nice series and nice experimentation.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Coney Island

    #1 is the one I find the most interesting of the bunch. I don't love the yellow colour cast, but the image has some really good movement.

    #2 Has potential as well, but there is too much going on behind your subject. A different camera angle (shot from lower down, for instance) could have removed some of the clutter from behind your subject which would have resulted in a stronger image,

    #3 What's your subject? The two women or the painting on the storefront (?). If you can't decide what your subject is, your viewers won't be able to either and that means they won't stick around to look at the picture.

    #4 Not a bad image. I like the way that the colours of your subject and the ride complement each other. Had your subject made eye contact with the camera, this would have been a very strong image.

    #5 You say you like it, but it really does not grab my attention. The light is not good and this means that the harsh shadows on your subject's face are quite distracting. That brown area along the top right hand side of the image should not be there as it draw's the viewer's attention. Same issue with the head in the bottom left hand corner. It's a distraction too and another one that would be easy to deal with in post.

  8. #8
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Coney Island

    I liked the colorfulness of the first image as well as its semi static versus dynamic nature. I really like the second image, well focused on the subject. You could have cloned out the intrusive body part in the last image, as already has been pointed out ; regards

  9. #9

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    Re: Coney Island

    Thank you all for your comments and insight. I have shown these photos to family members, all females. They all liked the last one alot. i think this photo speakes differntly to women. I heard comments like, "Good for her!" and so on. Will get back to post editing this one. I wanted to show it how I took it.

    Regarding the third photo. It was pointed out that there was no subject. I can agree with that. It might be the rebel in me but I always question the rules. When I took it my objective was to take a picture that represented an aspet of Cony Island. Its honky tonk carnival aspects with a teaspoon of grit. Im not sure this photo captured what i wanted. I seen all of the components of the photo from the pointing habd to the discarded botles on the ground part of the composition as a whole depicting Coney Island. If the faces of the girls were better focused I might like this photo more.

    So my question is, are there any recognised well known photos with no specific subject?

    Kind regards to you all. Daniel

  10. #10

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    Re: Coney Island

    I couldn't stop thinking about that thrd pictue. The one with no subject. Im starting to better understand how not having a specific subject can reduce a pictures efectivness. So I am not defending this phot at all. But with your help it has been a great learning experiance for me. I know this is basic stuff but thats the leval I am at. Kind Regards, Daniel

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Coney Island

    Quote Originally Posted by escape View Post
    So my question is, are there any recognised well known photos with no specific subject?
    This is common in landscape photography where the photographer uses visual cues to lead the viewer through an anonymous setting. We also see this working in some abstract work where the photographer does very much the same kinds of techniques as the landscape photographer does.

    Just as an aside, I am someone who firmly believes in "breaking the rules" but with the understanding that we have to present the viewer with something to latch onto in the image. If this does not exist or is weak then the viewer just moves on. Good photographers don't adhere to the rules because they have figured out how to engage the viewer on an emotional level. It takes a lot of hard work to get to this level.

    In the types of shot you show here, that is rarely the case, as we need something to put the viewer into the image.

    Quote Originally Posted by escape View Post
    I have shown these photos to family members, all females. They all liked the last one alot. i think this photo speakes differntly to women. I heard comments like, "Good for her!" and so on.
    Unless the female family members are experienced photographers, I would discount their opinion as they are looking at the image differently than a photographer would. I see a lot of "likes" on some pretty mediocre pictures up on social media. The comments on what you are trying to do with the image is likely what they were commenting about rather than how effective the image itself is from a photographic standpoint.

    One reason to post images here for comments is to get comments on your work from fellow photographers. The members here are a broad spectrum of the photographic community with different interests. Some are beginners and others are very experienced and knowledgeable in specific areas of photography who do high end work. We were all beginners at one time and all of us are still learning.

  12. #12

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    Re: Coney Island

    Thank you Manfred. Your commenys are very much appreciated. I started taking an online course today titled, Seeing Through Photographs. It was put together by the Meusam of Modern Art in NY. Free on Coursera if any one is interested. Should help me to better understand photography.
    I look forward to your continued support and constructive criticism. Daniel

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