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Thread: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

  1. #121
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    I'm glad you found an app that provides you with the resources you were seeking. Regarding lost posts, it used to happen quite frequently, especially if I was crafting a long response. I learned to either copy partially typed text or type the response in Word and then copy into the forum.
    Hi John - I think I am still going to have questions! You'd think that common sense would help, but I think the task of trying to get the print dialog set up and the right sizes printed will not be as easy for me as it probably should be. I'll have to work at it for a time to see if I can figure it out or if I can't, then I'll need to figure out how to ask question(s) so they make sense.

    When a reply disappears, I can't seem to get the next effort even close to what I had to say in that first one. <sigh> So composing in a word program sounds like a good way to do it when the dialog is going to be longer than normal.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Thanks again for the patience and the shared information!

  2. #122
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Sandy, I'm curious about the Canon printing app you found. Most of the time I simply print straight from Lightroom to my Canon printer (an earlier version I believe of your printer). Once I'd done it a few times the process became very straight forward. Admittedly, it took a while when I first started, getting the appropriate settings done.

  3. #123
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Sandy, I'm curious about the Canon printing app you found. Most of the time I simply print straight from Lightroom to my Canon printer (an earlier version I believe of your printer). Once I'd done it a few times the process became very straight forward. Admittedly, it took a while when I first started, getting the appropriate settings done.
    Hi Bruce - I'm sorry for the delay in replying....... I think I'll like the software, it is a plug in for the applications I listed in post #114. It may prove to be needless as I begin to understand printing options but for now it gives me another way to set up photos for printing. I found Print Studio Pro on Canon site under Pixma Pro-100 software.

    I have one crazy question for anyone to answer however. When a print dialog box asks what size paper, does it mean the paper I'm using, i.e., 8.5 x 11 or does it mean the size of the paper that I want to have fit into the frame? I know that the size of the photo can be printed on any size paper I want, but obviously, it would be nice if the paper fit the frame rather than having to trim it to fit. Does this question make sense? Sometimes it is the very simple things that can really toss me for a loop!

  4. #124
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by skitterbug View Post
    I have one crazy question for anyone to answer however. When a print dialog box asks what size paper, does it mean the paper I'm using, i.e., 8.5 x 11 or does it mean the size of the paper that I want to have fit into the frame? I know that the size of the photo can be printed on any size paper I want, but obviously, it would be nice if the paper fit the frame rather than having to trim it to fit. Does this question make sense? Sometimes it is the very simple things that can really toss me for a loop!
    Unless someone with more experience than me suggests otherwise, I strongly suggest you choose a standard paper size that you're using. The printer will have no interest in whatever size you may wish to trim the paper after you've printed your photo on it.

    But, if you know you'll be trimming the final product so that it will fit into a particular frame, be sure to take that into account when deciding on the size of the image you'll be printing and how wide a border (if any) you'll want around the image once it's in the frame. One of the steps in preparing to print is adjusting the size of the image to whatever the end product will be. There are ways to do that more or less manually but some software looks after some of the downsizing that typically needs to occur.

  5. #125
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Hi Bruce - I am pleased that I did get a photo to fit inside of a mat in a 6x4 frame and golly, it turned out the way I wanted. Yes, I had to trim down the 8.5 x 11 photo paper but at least I achieved what I set out to do. Manfred's post helped quite a bit, a little common sense on my part helped as well. Thank you for your posts too. It is a plus that people do share their knowledge!

  6. #126
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    I have one crazy question for anyone to answer however. When a print dialog box asks what size paper, does it mean the paper I'm using, i.e., 8.5 x 11 or does it mean the size of the paper that I want to have fit into the frame?
    I can't say anything about the Canon apps. I have printed photos using 4 different Canon printers over the years, but I have never used any of their printing apps. I print directly from Lightroom.

    However, even if you print from other software, the printer dialogs that come up--after the first one--are the Canon firmware dialogs for the printer, so I am probably seeing pretty much what you are.

    Paper size in the printer dialogs I see has nothing to do with image size. It tells the printer what paper size you have put into the machine. It's to tell the printer what to do--for example, how far the print head can move before it hits the edge of the paper. Separately from the paper size, I set the image size, but I do that in Lightroom, not in the Canon firmware.

    At least in the case of the printers I have used in recent years, Canon allows you to set custom paper sizes. I use this when the drop-down menu lacks a standard paper size. For example, for reasons I can't fathom, the drop-down menus for mine don't include 13 x 19, which is one of the standard non-metric sizes, so I set that size via the "custom" option. Likewise, there are two 11 inch standards: 11 x 14, and 11 x 17. (The latter is just a 17 x 22, another standard size, cut in half, which makes it a logical choice for the manufacturers.) If I recall, only one of these shows up on the drop down menu. That is all I use the custom setting for--that is, to accommodate standard paper sizes that don't happen to be listed.

    I don't print to any specific aspect ratio; I let the image determine that. As a result, even for a given paper stock, ssay 13 x 19 (the one I use most), I have lots of different image sizes. If you are going to cover the image with a mat, you can ignore this; there will simply be more paper covered by the mat in some cases. I generally trim the paper if I am going to show the print without a mat, because it looks better if the white margin is uniform.

  7. #127
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I can't say anything about the Canon apps. I have printed photos using 4 different Canon printers over the years, but I have never used any of their printing apps. I print directly from Lightroom.

    However, even if you print from other software, the printer dialogs that come up--after the first one--are the Canon firmware dialogs for the printer, so I am probably seeing pretty much what you are.

    Paper size in the printer dialogs I see has nothing to do with image size. It tells the printer what paper size you have put into the machine. It's to tell the printer what to do--for example, how far the print head can move before it hits the edge of the paper. Separately from the paper size, I set the image size, but I do that in Lightroom, not in the Canon firmware.

    At least in the case of the printers I have used in recent years, Canon allows you to set custom paper sizes. I use this when the drop-down menu lacks a standard paper size. For example, for reasons I can't fathom, the drop-down menus for mine don't include 13 x 19, which is one of the standard non-metric sizes, so I set that size via the "custom" option. Likewise, there are two 11 inch standards: 11 x 14, and 11 x 17. (The latter is just a 17 x 22, another standard size, cut in half, which makes it a logical choice for the manufacturers.) If I recall, only one of these shows up on the drop down menu. That is all I use the custom setting for--that is, to accommodate standard paper sizes that don't happen to be listed.

    I don't print to any specific aspect ratio; I let the image determine that. As a result, even for a given paper stock, ssay 13 x 19 (the one I use most), I have lots of different image sizes. If you are going to cover the image with a mat, you can ignore this; there will simply be more paper covered by the mat in some cases. I generally trim the paper if I am going to show the print without a mat, because it looks better if the white margin is uniform.
    Hi Dan - You cleared up a lot of my puzzlement about paper sizes and what the print application is asking for! <happiness> I also appreciate the added information! Thank you!

  8. #128
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Oops. I was vague. When do trim an image, I do it AFTER printing. I don't trim the paper in advance.

  9. #129
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    +1 to Dan's comment.

    I usually try to print to standard sizes as it makes framing a print much more affordable, but when I do print to a none-standard size, I cut the paper to size after printing, never before.

  10. #130
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Oops. I was vague. When do trim an image, I do it AFTER printing. I don't trim the paper in advance.
    Hi Dan - believe it or not, I did figure that you meant that I put the unaltered sheet in, adjust the photo to the size I want and then trim it to fit the frame when printing (and drying) is complete. But thanks for making certain that I did understand! Sometimes the way I think can really be mind boggling! <chuckle>

  11. #131
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    +1 to Dan's comment.

    I usually try to print to standard sizes as it makes framing a print much more affordable, but when I do print to a none-standard size, I cut the paper to size after printing, never before.
    Hi Manfred - Frames are costly depending on what is chosen. I watch for bargains! I do understand about trimming after printing but thanks for the follow up!

    ps: I've had a crazy day of trying to log into the https pages of CiC. For some reason Firefox was not allowing these pages to load. I sent email to Sean and he couldn't replicate the problem. I finally checked and changed the proxy settings to "none" in Firefox and managed to get in. I hope that solves it because a day without CiC is totally sad! I'll write back to Sean and let him know what I did...... just thought I'd post the note here too in case anyone else was having trouble. Usually it is just me.

  12. #132
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Week 39 - To finish out 3rd Quarter...... Typical of my choice of subjects but non-typical because this one is injured. We haven't a clue what happened. Maybe a Blue Heron, or perhaps a raccoon or even two of the frogs fighting. Whether it survived or not, is the question because I haven't seen this one since its injury. I wonder if it heals that quickly or if it died. Always something of interest if one watches for change in nature.

    Injured Frog

    2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

  13. #133
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Week 39, nice capture, I read that they can regenerate limbs but not sure if deep injuries recover as well.

  14. #134
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    Re: 2019 P52 - 3nd Qtr - Sandy(Skitterbug)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Week 39, nice capture, I read that they can regenerate limbs but not sure if deep injuries recover as well.
    Hi John - I did a quick search on the all knowing web and it appears that yes, he can recover.

    I wouldn't want to lose any of them. They are fun to watch!

    Thanks for commenting!

    And so the third quarter of 2019 comes to an end.

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