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Thread: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

  1. #1
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    It was that time of year again when I get prepared to shoot my favourite event, both cameras ready, the 70-200 fine tuned, eager to use a Black Rapid Sport that had arrived three days earlier and ample batteries packed. Having monitored the weather prediction for a few days for once it was spot on and on getting up at 3.00 am on the day it was absolutely bucketing down

    The rain never ceased and was made worse with the wind but perseverance, luck and perhaps a certain amount of stupidity gave me 460 usable images

    No 1

    This is one of a continuous burst of 16 at the start of the full marathon and unfortunately even though shooting from under a large umbrella during the time between moving from good shelter into position rain got the lens. For the start of the half marathon an hour later I managed a full set with a dry lens.

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 2

    There was little option but to sit in my wagon parked close and see if I could capture anything from there. The problem with this was that only side views were possible apart from a few exceptions, with little range to track the subjects between obstacles before grabbing the shot. It also required the window opening for each shot and then drying off the lens.

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 3

    I was getting bored with side views and the inside of my wagon was getting soaked so another method was needed. With camera, 70-200 and flash mounted on the monopod and an umbrella handle gripped tightly to the top of the monopod I stood with a lamp post behind me giving a bit of a shield and shot away. The problem with this was I could only use my right hand as any reduction in grip of the umbrella against the monopod and the umbrella acted like a sail

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 4

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 5

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 6

    Today's main daily paper ran an article on the event, unfortunately with the wrong picture of the winner. I have since been contacted to provide this picture, the actual winner

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No 7

    My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    So all in all a fun day with good results considering the conditions. What I have learnt is that it's so easy to overlook things when you are having to concentrate on keeping your gear dry, like why shoot all images with VR Off and forget to change the number of active dynamic focus points

    Last edited by Stagecoach; 29th July 2019 at 08:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Nice efforts and perseverance, you got some very good captures using both methods. I started a thread which included a link on a photographers experience. It seems quite a few of us have methods and/or preferences.

    Photographing in the Rain

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Great story and super shots.

  4. #4
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice efforts and perseverance, you got some very good captures using both methods. I started a thread which included a link on a photographers experience. It seems quite a few of us have methods and/or preferences.

    Photographing in the Rain
    Thanks John.

    I read the link and comments on the thread. I'm presently constructing a tube arrangement which I can tiewrap to the monopod that the umbrella handle will fit in snugly as I have another run to do this coming weekend. That will allow me a bit of freedom with my left hand for controls.

    I have a couple of clear camera rain hoods but they were not big enough to take the D800 with the flash which I have to use early on and then like to use for fill until the light is decent. This time I used the flash for every image, amazingly on the same rechargeable battery pack.

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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Great story and super shots.
    Thank you Bill.

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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Thanks John.

    I read the link and comments on the thread. I'm presently constructing a tube arrangement which I can tiewrap to the monopod that the umbrella handle will fit in snugly as I have another run to do this coming weekend. That will allow me a bit of freedom with my left hand for controls.

    I have a couple of clear camera rain hoods but they were not big enough to take the D800 with the flash ...
    Necessity is indeed the mother of invention! In my case it's a large umbrella and willing (or at least not unwilling) assistant a.k.a. Mrs T. Another possibility could be to tape a large umbrella to a stable back-pack.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Great captures under very harsh conditions...

    Regarding an umbrella... I have a small piece of gear that is labeled "Probella". It consists of a small umbrella supported by a rod which is attached to a base that is provided with a tripod screw. I purchased this on a whim many years ago and have used it once or twice.Unfortunately, they no longer seem to be available...

    This might be handy...

    However, using a 70-200mm lens in conjunction with a deep lens hood and additionally protected with a Flex Lens Shade
    Will provide protection against water droplets on the front element of the lens in all but the most severe downpour. I will combine this with a raincoat like the Movo Raincape to give almost total protection. The ones that I used were made by OPTECH...

    I used a rain cover like this
    (mine was made made by an Israeli company - Kata) during a very wet 10-days on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska and it worked great but was a bit bulky to pack and carry. This is the type of weather I shot in...
    My Wettest Marathon Shoot
    I now prefer to carry a plastic rain cape in my photo bag along with the Flex Hood. The combination weighs next to nothing and takes up very little space... However, if I knew that I was going to shot in very wet conditions over a period of time, I'd revert to the more substantial cover.

    One thing that I have found exceptionally handy when shooting in wet conditions is having a dry wipe cloth available. I pack several micro fiber cloths in small plastic bags. They are great for drying my hands or wiping of excess water from camera gear. I originally packed pieces of old cotton T-shirts for this purpose but, have evolved into the 21st Century and now use microfiber rags.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 29th July 2019 at 08:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Thanks Richard,

    I'm presently sourcing a rain cover that is large enough to take an on camera flash, but that will take time. In addition a mod for my monopod to take an umbrella handle is also underway in preparation for what may be another wet fun race shoot this weekend

    And just to keep me busy my computer died and wasted my time sorting it

  9. #9
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    No. 3 especially, you have caught and isolated the runner.

  10. #10

    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Grahame your story and images are both excellent and in the finest tradition of "Just Do It". I particularly like the #5 shot of the expression of the lady runner assumedly coming to the end of the marathon. Anyone who completes a marathon deserves to have their photo taken for posterity!

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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    No. 3 especially, you have caught and isolated the runner.
    Thank you Peter, No 3 is one of my favourite styles within the various compositions I do.

    Whilst this one is not technically spot on I think it conveys the effort and spirit of the runner.

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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Grahame your story and images are both excellent and in the finest tradition of "Just Do It". I particularly like the #5 shot of the expression of the lady runner assumedly coming to the end of the marathon. Anyone who completes a marathon deserves to have their photo taken for posterity!
    Thanks Trevor.

    Having shot this annual event now since its start in 2014 and the appreciation I get for doing it I feel somewhat obligated to get results, plus have an added determination to compete with and beat any other 'pro' photographic competition that may be there

    The organisation, all volunteers, have through their efforts over the years promoted this event for Fiji to the extent where we now have many international runners competing as well. Interestingly a few months back I was made aware that some travel agents in Auckland were promoting 'Marathon Holidays in Fiji', their advertising literature using some of my pics. Hopefully this weekend some of your NZ team I captured will be among other shots that will be in a special supplement in this Saturdays paper.

  13. #13
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Thanks Richard,

    I'm presently sourcing a rain cover that is large enough to take an on camera flash, but that will take time.
    How about this one - not exceptionally sturdy but it gets the job done and is inexpensive and exceptionally lightweight...

    And this one from Walmart... If they don't ship internationally and if you don't have a Fuji Walmart handy, I live near a local Walmart and could pick one up for you and mail it to you.

  14. #14
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: My Wettest Marathon Shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    How about this one - not exceptionally sturdy but it gets the job done and is inexpensive and exceptionally lightweight...

    And this one from Walmart... If they don't ship internationally and if you don't have a Fuji Walmart handy, I live near a local Walmart and could pick one up for you and mail it to you.
    The Optech one you have linked to Richard is presently with other items in my B&H 'basket' and should be ideal for my needs.

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