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Thread: Finding inspiration anywhere

  1. #1

    Finding inspiration anywhere

    I had been listening to someone in my local camera group say that they could not take a photo unless they were truly inspired by what was in front of them and that it was of real artistic value. I contrasted that with my own experience working in the business when you could not afford that luxury. With that thought in mind I was immured in my car with the rain teeming down as I waited for my other half to finish an appointment, so I decided that without leaving the car (staying dry seems like a good idea), I would find SOME kind of photo that I could take. The result is here, taken with what I had to hand, a venerable Canon EOS 60D. using a Canon EF-S 15-85mm, settings 85mm, f-5.6, 1/10 sec, ISO 200, hand held

    Finding inspiration anywhere

    So I am curious about what others do and invite you to share your images when you seemed to be in a "visual desert".

  2. #2

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    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    I feel the varied background really makes this image.

    When I am in a visual desert, the photographic landscape remains parched as I don't have the creative flair to make it rain. But I am looking forward to seeing what others conjure from "nothing". Judith (Urbanflyer) and others seem to succeed at this.

  3. #3
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    Oh I would have a good debate with your camera club member! He seems to be saying that he is a recorder of art created by someone else and plays little part in the creative process of producing an image of it. i find that a narrow minded approach to photography.

    Here is a shot of an everyday kitchen scene. By using a narrow depth of field I believe I have created something slightly artistic

    Finding inspiration anywhere

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    Nice concept, I can see how you'd find the visuals appealing. For me I can often find inspiration in patterns that resemble mandalas and often just textures can inspire me. Many times I just react to my environment, a first thought (danger, happiness, sultriness, sadness) can create inspiration.

    Finding inspiration anywhere

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    Trev - that seems to be a fairly common misconception in the amateur photographic community. There is a large contingent out there that seems to think that creativity is spontaneous and random rather than something that is the outcome of deliberate actions on the photographer's part.

    All the very good photographers that I know always seem to come back with strong images when they head out for a shoot. They have a plan and carry it out.

  6. #6

    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    Now there you go Peter, making me hungry. Your image follows my line of thought though.. why should something have to hit you in the face in order to make a photo. The fellow I referred to sees himself as creating High Art (a latter day Pictorialist if you will), so he will only demean himself to photograph something of striking beauty and magnificence. For those of us poor mortals who had to earn a living photographing, I was used to creating my own image rather than having one handed to me on a plate - so to speak, and with no reference whatsoever to your photo, now I come to mention it!

  7. #7

    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    Well John the image of the truck with the young outrider has both patterns of colour, dynamic flow and even a hint of danger; so you seem to have most of the bases covered in one fell swoop. I'm a bit reserved on the young fellow cadging a ride from the truck, over here that would get the driver a ticket I suspect. Great observation though!

  8. #8

    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    I did a workshop recently about composition and as is my want I had it liberally sprinkled with notable quotations, one of which seems to apply here:
    "One has to take several images of a subject, from different points of view and in different situations, as if one examined it in the round rather than looked at through the same keyhole again and again" Alexander Rodchenko


    "The enemy of photography is convention, the fixed rules of 'how to do'. The salvation of photographers comes from experiment" Lazlo Moholy-Nagy

  9. #9
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Finding inspiration anywhere

    All the images are different and fine; I really loved that image from Peter

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