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Thread: Two images in a very challenging project

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Two images in a very challenging project

    I took 18 photos, hand-held, of the auditorium of the City Hall, Brisbane, whilst on holiday from Auckland, NZ. Anticipating that either, or both, programs might blow-up, or worse, I asked both Affinity Photo and Lightroom to do their best, all at one go, with a panorama. The images went side by side as well as up and down, so a HUGE task. The results have some glaring defects, but all in all, very credible outcomes, given the circumstances. Affinity Photo is clearly the winner nevertheless (top image).

    Next time will use a tripod!

    Two images in a very challenging project

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Here is the Lightroom result -
    Two images in a very challenging project

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Nice efforts, is that white area something the software places on the image?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Hi John, yes. My understanding is that it is an area where the program believes there is no data, however Affinity Photo found it.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Jim - It depends on the image. I have a very challenging pano from the salt flats

    Here is what Photoshop does:

    Two images in a very challenging project

    And this is what Affinity Photo does:

    Two images in a very challenging project

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    That would be a great logo for someone or something with the initial "C"

  7. #7

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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Jim - It depends on the image. I have a very challenging pano from the salt flats
    Thanks Manfred, the Photoshop one is much superior, so I am sure you are right when you say that it depends on the image. Suppose the lesson is to try a second program if you don't like the results from the first.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Thanks Manfred, the Photoshop one is much superior, so I am sure you are right when you say that it depends on the image. Suppose the lesson is to try a second program if you don't like the results from the first.
    Actually Jim - I've been fighting trying to get this pano to work since I got back from Bolivia.

    I tried a different approach today. I used an enhance image funtionality in Photoshop's pano stuff. Photoshop did not handle the merge particularly well and could not get two of the 20 images to work. I took them over to Affinity Photo and it managed to do the merge, albeit rather warped. Affinity Photo's mesh tool wasn't working for what I had to do to get the horizon straight, but the Photoshop Puppet Warp did, so I finally got something I'm happy with and am planning to print. Photoshop -> Affinity Photo -> Photoshop.

    Neither program alone worked, but using both did, as one can see here:

    Uyuni Salt Flats Pano

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: Two images in a very challenging project

    Wow, now that is an interesting process and resolution, who would have thought of trying that? (YOU of course). Glad it all worked out, and having just had a look at the image, well worthwhile.

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