HA! She never thought I'd read this.
Yes, but I was the one who talked you into joining, yesterday!

Welcome, Sis!
The scone recipe is mine. She did however alter it to perfection for the Vermont altitude and climate, which I am very thankful to her for. (But it's really my recipe

I began working on the "perfect" scone in California, when I knew that in six months time, I would be moving out to Vermont to open the tea room. It
began as Suzy's but I really did alter it over 30% by the time we opened. Do you know how awkward it is to test a whole batch of scones
over and over again until you get it right? I had to keep finding volunteers to eat the "not quite there, yet" batches.

(Just insert a tongue hanging out of that "smilie" and you get the picture.) However, I will gladly tell you that she was the one who came up with the secret ingredient. My original wording (
Whilst there, I perfected my baking of the best scone in the world. It's just a fact.) was good!

Perhaps, we could, now call it
our scone recipe and it would make sense.
I have to say it's been a lot of fun having Katy jump into the 2 dimentional arena with me. I guess we talked abut her singing but it has been a lot of fun really getting into nuts and bolts about her art work. *Mushy moment diclaimer* . . . I'm very proud of her.