Is there any way to find out what value the camera's auto white balance chose in the image info on board the camera ?
By that I mean without transferring the image to computer to view the detailed exif data.
If there is I can't seem to find it.
I am considering getting a Luxli Viola M2 which is a light that can produce any color temp from 3000K to 10,000K, so it would be great to be able to check what value the camera's auto WB chose (for an image that looks right in preview) and then dial the camera and the light to that same value to provide some extra light at the same color temp as what the camera measured.
It seems to me that should be standard info that would be shown in the image info on board the camera, they show us all sorts of other info that is stored in the exif data but not the actual white balance value, surely it wouldn't be a problem to include that would it ?
I shoot only in RAW, but the preview image we see is of course the generated jpg based on our settings, with whatever WB setting we've chosen or whatever the camera's auto WB chose, it baffles me that we can only find that out (as far I know right now) by loading the image to computer instead of being able to find out on the spot like we can for most of the other parameters.