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Thread: Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

    This is Veronique standing on Engine 6591 at the Eastern Ontario Railway Museum in Smiths Falls. The town was a major railway town in the past and the museum is the former Canadian National Railways passenger station.

    Most of my shooting was natural light, but this was one of the last shots of the day where I hauled out my 13 ft light stand with 1.2m deep octabox and used it to light Veronique. I had to raise the stand to full height to get this shot.

    Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

    Nice effort, only critique is the model's position in front of the sign, it breaks the shapes which compliment her pose.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

    Nicely composed and well lit.
    Model's head eclipsing sign? Maybe yes, maybe no.
    But please do tone down the specular highlights in the engine light reflector, and more important, clone out the shoes!
    We always warn the newbies to check the edges of the frame before they pull the trigger. That advice also holds for experienced shooters and pros.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Veronique - Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    In all my work, I do things with purpose. When I post, it is because I feel that the final product works the way I want it to, so the head in front of the sign, the brightness of the specular highlights (which I enhanced from the original) and the shoes are there deliberately to see if the work or do not work for others. The train museum lights up the engine headlights at night for effect, so I played with that concept.

    Obviously they don't. The sign will stay but the other two elements will be played with in the next revision and I'll see if the effect works.

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