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Thread: GAS and the Advice People get.

  1. #21
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    I take your point Donald but think that has a different name - retail therapy!
    True. I am relieved that I don't have GAS. But I am shocked to find that I used retail therapy, after all those years of calling it for all the unprintable words under the sun.

  2. #22

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    True. I am relieved that I don't have GAS. But I am shocked to find that I used retail therapy, after all those years of calling it for all the unprintable words under the sun.
    I think we are often hardest on ourselves. It's part of the human experience.

    I am tempted to do the same a the moment when my other half is going through difficult times with her chemo or radiation therapy. The drugs that keep her alive cost us almost $7,000 per month and NZ is about the only country in the OECD that doesn't fund them. So while I might like to engage in retail therapy I have to keep my budget limited - hence the D30 at about $60. Her boss made her set up a givealittle page and it has coveered us for 11 months, after which we are led to believe the drug maker will supply it for no further cost as long as it seems to be working. I am hoping it does for a long time, but the funds don't cover all of the costs by any means.

    If you want to hear an interview with her, 'cos I am very proud of her, this is her being interviewed on Radio NZ.

  3. #23
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    If you want to hear an interview with her, 'cos I am very proud of her, this is her being interviewed on Radio NZ.
    I am writing this as I listen to the interview.

    The Global Studies programme sounds wonderful. What an inspiring, visionary woman to have dreamt up, and put into place, such a programme. I also like her because of her views about Thatcher. But she (Thatcher) seems tame compared to where we are now.

    From this distance it strikes one that the setting up of a well-being budget as opposed to a budget based on GDP (as New Zealand is the first country in the world to do and which an independent Scotland will do once we get independence) would lend itself to funding being made easier to access.

    Please give her my regards from up here in the north-western tip of Europe. A wonderful "pain-in-the-a---". It was a pleasure to listen to the interview.

    Sorry for diverting the theme of the thread.
    Last edited by Donald; 27th August 2019 at 04:15 PM.

  4. #24
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    . . . I have just got excited over a new purchase, the Canon D30: which, as I understand it, was the first dedicated DSLR by them to come on to the market (I think previous versions used film bodies with digital stuff - mostly from Kodak - inside them). . .
    Awesome acquisition.


    FYI -

    Canon released in 1998 (in order of release):
    > EOS D2000
    > EOS D6000

    The D6000 was released only in Japan but a few found their way to Australia, so I suspect there would have been some in Europe and the USA also. At the time the D6000 was lauded as the world’s flagship digital camera.

    It wasn’t until 2000 that Canon released their EOS D30. This was advertised as ‘affordable' and it was a self contained, integrated DSLR.

    In 2001 the EOS 1D was released.

    Followed, in 2002 with the EOS D60 and also the EOS 1Ds was released later that year.

    More detailed info, including background and the Canon partnership with Kodak, is here: {LINK} – Post #5


  5. #25
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    . . . this is her being interviewed on Radio NZ. . .
    The D30 and many other matters pale into insignificance.


  6. #26
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    But I am shocked to find that I used retail therapy, after all those years of calling it for all the unprintable words under the sun.
    Time to come clean...

    I too have always looked down on retail therapy. However, around the time of the last American presidential election, I was dithering about whether I could justify buying a Tamron or Sigma long zoom, given that I don't need a lens longer than my 70-200 all that often. After the election, I was so appalled and depressed that I bought a Canon 100-400 instead--by quite a margin the most expensive lens I have ever purchased.

    You might ask: did it work? (The retail therapy, that is.)

    Not beyond a very brief distraction. I didn't become the slightest bit less appalled or depressed.

    However, I do really like the lens. Given what I shoot, I don't use it often, but I enjoy it when I have a use for it. Both of the last two photos I posted here were taken with it.

  7. #27
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Time to come clean...

    I too have always looked down on retail therapy. However, around the time of the last American presidential election, I was dithering about whether I could justify buying a Tamron or Sigma long zoom, given that I don't need a lens longer than my 70-200 all that often. After the election, I was so appalled and depressed that I bought a Canon 100-400 instead--by quite a margin the most expensive lens I have ever purchased..
    I simply hope that we will not need "retail therapy" after the next presidential election

    I know that we should not be injecting politics into this site but, my nation floundering the way it is, it is difficult not to...

    I promise that I will keep my future thoughts to myself...

  8. #28

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Awesome acquisition.


    FYI -

    Canon released in 1998 (in order of release):
    > EOS D2000
    > EOS D6000

    The D6000 was released only in Japan but a few found their way to Australia, so I suspect there would have been some in Europe and the USA also. At the time the D6000 was lauded as the world’s flagship digital camera.

    It wasn’t until 2000 that Canon released their EOS D30. This was advertised as ‘affordable' and it was a self contained, integrated DSLR.

    In 2001 the EOS 1D was released.

    Followed, in 2002 with the EOS D60 and also the EOS 1Ds was released later that year.

    More detailed info, including background and the Canon partnership with Kodak, is here: {LINK} – Post #5

    Bill - Thank you SO much for the link and details. My purchase of the D30 is as a result of research work on the history of photography, which I shall explore in another thread.

    I have not been doing as much active photography as I would have liked of late. It has rained (and I mean POURED) every day this month and then my first priority is Hilary's support, which has become a bit more intense lately when she was found to have another growth and underwent intense radiation therapy. It hit her hard, and at the same time she has taken on more than her normal workload with colleagues not being able to fulfill their lecture loads and she has had to write and deliver them herself. Even weeks after the therapy ended the burns are coming from deep inside and appearing on her skin. She is in great pain and discomfort but masks it from most of the world, appearing bulletproof - except to me. She needs someone to be there to drive her places, carry her stuff, counsel her, comfort her and vent her pain and frustration on: I'm her man and that's my role. I am also her domestic goddess: I will make someone a wonderful mother!
    Last edited by Tronhard; 27th August 2019 at 06:38 PM.

  9. #29

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    I am writing this as I listen to the interview.

    Sorry for diverting the theme of the thread.
    Donald, thank YOU so much for your empathy and kind words. I support the GS program in my own way. Resources are slim so I do the photography for the events they hold and I have to concur with Hilary that it is utterly inspiring to be in the company of such young, vibrant and intelligent people. I am originally from Northern Ireland, and I have to admit I am very glad to be on this end of the planet and about as remote as one can get with what is happening in around much of the world. The only frustration is that we don't have much in the way of macro mammals to photograph: I really enjoyed getting shots of bears, wolves and mountain lions in Canada. Maybe one day I shall get to visit again.

  10. #30

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Back to the theme:

    Maybe in our resources page we could concoct a page to guide people who want to upgrade with some words of wisdom from our more esteemed members and include a logic guide, based on what I have proposed but developed and improved by our members. I think it would be a great help to many people who get lost in the tech.

  11. #31
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.


    We could concoct a fault tree starting with:

    Are you getting the absolute best from your present gear?

    YES: You may consider upgrading your gear

    NO: You may consider upgrading your skills

  12. #32

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    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    "but my point on the questions asked is that in giving advice we should try to focus on a logical process to make a recommendation "

    The trouble is that many people are not logical!

  13. #33

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Hi Ken:
    I hope your weather down on the mainland is better than ours has been. I agree that many people don't think logically, which is precisely why they need a set of questions to make them connect with logic. Lots of times people don't think the ramifications of what they are doing in any area. Still, I think it would be beneficial for people asking and giving advice to have a structure around which to shape their discussions.

    I might add that another parameter might be: will the maker of the camera equipment you are considering be around in a couple of years? But that is a whole other thread!!!

  14. #34

    Re: GAS and the Advice People get.

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    We could concoct a fault tree starting with:

    Are you getting the absolute best from your present gear?

    YES: You may consider upgrading your gear

    NO: You may consider upgrading your skills
    I think that is an excellent question, but the problem is that many people are ignorant of their ignorance and fall prey to the advice of marketers and other influencers that tell to get this or that piece of gear and their photography will take off.

    I have often said that I have never, in my 38 years, felt held back by my equipment, rather by my skills in using it.

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