Reversal films (slide films) all had terrible dynamic range versus what we get with modern digital cameras. If I remember properly we were looking somewhere between 4 - 6 stops. These days with the higher end cameras getting 14-stops at base ISO and with displays that show us the histogram when we shoot, this is generally not an issue.
Looking at the histograms Dan has displayed, we can see that we really don't have a dynamic range issue, other than possibly with the red channel in the shadow areas. When we see flat looking shots, the main issue is often contrast and most of us likely would like higher contrast.
If Bob's comment on his earlier road picture; the sky being muddy rather than blue applies here as well, then the quality of light could be a contributing factor. Haze and time of day could be contributing factors. This image was taken at around 10:00 AM, based on the EXIF data.
He also says he is editing in Lightroom, which does limit precise local refinements.