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Thread: Paige2

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Paige2PAIGE1 by James Cason, on Flickr

    Just looking for cc on the pose and retouch.. trying to improve on both.
    My wife bought me a tablet and pen to replace the mouse i been using, I need to hook it up and try it out.
    Its not a wacom sp? but a xp pen. anyone use one before?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Paige2

    If this is the retouched version, it would be good to see what you started with before you did your edits.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Paige2

    Nice effort, the highlight on the leg is a bit strong, and focus is soft nearest the foreground which is a bit distracting.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Paige2

    I am not keen on this image for several posing and camera position reasons (these are purely my observations and not meant to be gospel truth):

    1. The feet and legs become a major factor in the image due to the distortion caused by the feet and legs being a lot closer to the lens than her torso. I think that if the camera position were moved significantly to camera right, the feet and legs would be approximately the same distance from the camera as her torso and would be less distorted.

    2. If the camera position was to the right and the torso were in the same position, it would be a more flattering 3/4 view, which should show the model as slimmer. This is especially true if Paige's face were turned to the camera.

    3. This may be a prejudice from bygone days (I am a relic of those days) but, I am not keen on bra straps showing behind the straps of her top. NOTE: My wife must also be a relic because the bra straps were the first thing that she noticed.

    4. Finally, this image was shot under somewhat harsh lighting conditions with the light apparently coming from high camera right. Perhaps the addition of fill flash might have balanced out the harsh shadow below her nose and chin. Perhaps, the above mentioned camera position in addition to fill flash, might also reduce the highlights on her thighs. Being the brightest portion of the image, these highlighted areas grab my attention...

    As far as editing in PP is concerned. I am however, pretty sure that she would be happy with this image. I was dissecting it purely from a photographer's point of view. I played with it for a bit and this is the result... I could have done a more careful job but, this will give you an idea of how I might edit the image if it were mine...


    BTW: I used a combination of Anthropics Portrait Pro Body and NIK Viveza II along with Photoshop cc 2019 in the PP; slimming down her waist a bit and reducing the glare on her legs somewhat... I suspect that working from the original file and taking more care, the edit could be better. I edited out the bra strap camera left with Photoshop Clone Tool and placed some hair over her camera right bra strap also using the clone tool. I would play around with the color balance on her legs a bit since reducing the glare impacted the color...

    I also tried (with limited success) to mitigate the harsh shadow beneath her nose...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 11th September 2019 at 10:14 PM.

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