Looking for some help with this sunrise in terms color, exposure etc
DSC04369 3 by gerald fraser, on Flickr
Looking for some help with this sunrise in terms color, exposure etc
DSC04369 3 by gerald fraser, on Flickr
Hi Gerald
You have some nice light and color there. This is a good candidate for a filter like the Detail Extractor in Nik Color Efex. It would bring out the rays filtering through the clouds. I'd also be inclined to crop off the treetops at the bottom. There's not enough of them to add any interest.
Lovely as such; but you will get wise suggestions here to make it even more attractive![]()
I would leave the trees, Gerald. They might not be perfect but they do add some context to the scene and when viewed with the Lightbox option a lot more detail is visible. That little bit of sun is over exposed but it is unavoidable with this sort of scene; at least with just one image to work from and even exposure bracketed shots are tricky in this respect.
One of my photography instructors used to call the colour in your image "nasty orange". Film photographers knew it well when shooting low colour temperature light sources like tungsten light or the setting sun on daylight balanced film.
The best advice I received about shooting sunrise and sunset scenes is to ignore the effects of the sun hanging low in the sky and treat the scene like any other. Create a good composition and then overlay the atmospherics to get you a very strong image. In this shot, you have the rising sun and the clouds and not much else. If I Google sunrise or sunset images, there are thousands like this one and only a few get me to stop and have a second look. Those are the ones that have strong compositions and subtle control of the colours in the sky.