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Thread: Volunteers & Furniture

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Volunteers & Furniture

    My wife volunteers at a charity named "Furniture Bank". It collects furniture and housewares from people who no longer need it and redistributes it to people in need, primarily refugees.

    A local business publication will running a short article on the charity in their next issue and I was "volunteered" to take some pictures while some deliveries were being made. I did this earlier this week and of course neither the locations nor timing were in my control. As luck would have it, the deliveries were scheduled around the noontime on a bright and sunny day. Fortunately I brought a speedlight along to soften some of the harsh light (at least to some extent) and was able to take care of much of the rest in post.

    There are not posed shots and are not a genre I have any real experience with. As this is photojournalism, I followed the rules of that genre and have not removed anything from what we see and primarily used cropping and dodging & burning on the images; traditional photographic techniques that are allowed in that genre. No cloning or healing. Model releases requires for any identifiable people in the shots.

    1. Arriving on site

    Volunteers & Furniture

    2. Off-loading the truck

    Volunteers & Furniture

    3. Wrestling with a sofa

    Volunteers & Furniture

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Volunteers & Furniture

    That is a wonderful concept - recycling furniture for folks who can give it a new home. Congrats for helping them out. Nice job!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Central Texas, USA

    Re: Volunteers & Furniture

    In what seems an ever-crueler world, it's good to know that there are still people who adhere to the concept of treating others as you would yourself.

  4. #4
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Peter Schluter

    Re: Volunteers & Furniture

    I think the middle photo works best, nice angle on the subjects.

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