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Thread: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    I operate with Bridge and Photoshop.

    I open Photoshop by identifying the image I want to work on in Bridge and tell it to open on Photoshop.

    Well ............. I am just back from a week away and now when I do that it opens Photoshop CC2018 (I of course keep up to date and have CC2020 loaded on my computer.

    I am sure that one of you technically-minded folks will tell me what's happened and how I get it back to where it was (idiots guide only please).

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    Latest PhotoshopCC version is 20.0.6

    I would start by opening the AdobeCC app. and check for updates. I don't use Bridge. Perhaps that is the problem.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    Latest PhotoshopCC version is 20.0.6

    I would start by opening the AdobeCC app. and check for updates. I don't use Bridge. Perhaps that is the problem.
    Thanks. Yes, that's what I said. I keep Photoshop up-to-date. I have 20.0.6 on my computer.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    I rarely use Bridge, so I am guessing, but perhaps this will help.

    In the preferences dialog in Bridge (Edit-Preferences), you will see a File Type Associations option on the left. Select that, and see if the associations for the relevant file types are set for the most current version of Photoshop on your computer. On my computer, version 20.0.6 still shows up as Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. If you have multiple versions installed but it doesn’t show them on a drop down menu, it will allow you to browse for whatever you have installed. I have only the most recent, so I have no drop down menu.

    If that doesn't work, I'm afraid I have no other ideas than brute force: uninstall and reinstall the apps.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by DanK; 16th September 2019 at 12:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    Dan - Thank you for that. I've just been in and changed:
    1) Alias
    2) Bitmap
    3) Canon Camera Raw

    drop down boxes from CC2018 to CC2019.

    I really thought that this was the answer. But, I re-booted, but it still takes me to CC2018.


    It's not that big a deal because I am able to do everything I want, but I'd like to understand this and fix it. After all, I am paying for the latest version!

  6. #6

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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    Hi Donald, had a similar problem develop some months ago

    Checking C:\programfiles\adobe I noticed that I had multiple (i.e. 'previous') versions of both Bridge and Photoshop CC.

    I deleted the older versions and problem has not reoccurred!

    ps to be safe I copied the old versions to a seperate folder first, just in case there were some dependancies required older versions to be retained, and then deleted.


  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products


    Dan - You're wonderful!

    Went back in and checked the 'Hide Undefined File Association' to reveal the complete list. And changed all the relevant ones to 2019 and HEY PRESTO. Quite what happened or how it happened, I haven't a clue. But it's now fixed.

    Thank you.

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    Quote Originally Posted by Astro View Post
    Checking C:\programfiles\adobe I noticed that I had multiple (i.e. 'previous') versions of both Bridge and Photoshop CC.
    James - I don't know why old versions are not deleted when we upload a new version. I am sure there will be some explanation that's to do with how we update to a new version.

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products

    It looks like you've solve the issue, so I have no need to write what you already know.

    I ran into the multiple versions remaining over the past year and asked the people at Adobe why this is so. Their answer was simple and makes sense.

    Their biggest customer base are large commercial customers. These companies tend to have large IT departments and unlike the small users like you and me, they do not roll out new software releases as soon as they are published, but rather do thorough testing to make sure that nothing breaks their system when the software is rolled out. This can take months and even several years in some cases.

    Having a client that uses these old version of software means you need to retain them as well. The back and forth of files will be done using the same version as the client is using, hence corporate users will need access to older versions of the program so long as their clients still use them to ensure compatibility.

    Only the end user will know which versions of the software they need, so the old ones remain on the computer until they are deliberately uninstalled.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Change in behaviour of Adobe products


    Glad that it worked. These sorts of glitches can be extremely frustrating.


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