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Thread: Ready for a pillow fight?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Ready for a pillow fight?

    This picture was taken of a parade in Kyneton Victoria. They have a Daffodil Festival once a year, hence all the yellow. Why the dangerous mother's with pillows I have no idea. C&C welcome.

    Ready for a pillow fight?Anyone ready for a pillow fight? by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  2. #2

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    Re: Ready for a pillow fight?

    Hi Ole, Took a look at your flicker photo. I enjpyed viewing them. This one to me looks to crowded. I think a crop highlighting the 3 women in the front would work. All 3 have the same basic pose. Nice shot.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Ready for a pillow fight?

    Ole - it's very challenging to make an image like this work well. I think Daniel's assessment is right on; you need to create a centre of interest because the image doesn't have one and there is nothing for the viewer to anchor on; the three women are the obvious place to start. Making them stand out from the rest of the crowd is a place to start. Having them a bit brighter and more saturated would be one place to start, reducing the size of the crowd would help too. Downplaying the bright sky and especially the sign with writing on it would be helpful too.

    Just as an aside; the moment you have something with writing on it, we end up trying to read it and that can quickly become the centre of attention, whether we want it to be or not.

    Here's a quick pass on my part to see what might be done...

    Ready for a pillow fight?

    P.S. - I had somewhat the same issue with the shots I posted on the thread you started on issues you are having with Flickr; the Holi shot was a crowd shot as well and I had to make my centre of interest stand out much the same way as what you have here, but I had to try some other techniques to make the image work.

    Quality of Flickr
    Last edited by Manfred M; 18th September 2019 at 11:57 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Ready for a pillow fight?

    I guess I'll be working on this image for a while. I did attempt to remove the green sign but my effort doing it was somewhat dismal to say the least

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