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Thread: Color Accuracy

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Color Accuracy

    I had been having a devil of a time getting an accurate color on a purse that my wife wants to sell on eBay.

    However we found one of the correct color on the internet (unfortunately the color is no longer carried by the manufacturer).

    I used Snip-It to copy the Internet purse and when I opened it in Photoshop it didn't look anything like the Internet illustration.

    This viewing the Internet purse on the same monitor that I viewed the Photoshop copy of the purse.

    Anyone know what's happening?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Color Accuracy

    Sounds like a colour space issue. If the sample you are looking at has not been assigned a colour space, that could be the problem. Try using FireFox to look at the sample as it is generally regarded as a browser with solid colour space management.

    It's also challenging to know what Snip-It is doing from a colour management standpoint. Try doing a screen capture of the sample, rather than using Snip-it, and open that in Photoshop to see what happens.

  3. #3
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Color Accuracy

    and here is a little guide on how to correctly set up firefox

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